
Jun 09, 2008 17:10

Gaize, I'm board.

Name a character from one of my fandoms and I'll give you:

(a) three facts about them from my personal canon/fanon
(b) a reason he/she sucks
(c) a reason he/she is awesomecakes
(d) five things that never happened to that character and/or
(e) five people that character never fell in love with and whyStatus of AT applications: one ( Read more... )

* absolute_hold, meme, oh yeah this is awesome, summer, work

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Comments 4

ai_no_shinobi June 9 2008, 21:33:49 UTC
Darn it, and I was gonna ask to trade virginities.


rosehiptea June 9 2008, 22:13:47 UTC
I'm going to ask you... to forgive me for being a pain in the rear on AIM.

And Cynthia Velasquez. For the meme. I can't ask you for Cynthia. Unfortunately


pianotheme June 12 2008, 22:06:01 UTC
Hey, anytime. Like I said, friends don't mind listening if it means the other person can take some of that weight off their shoulders.

So, Cynthia!

(a) three facts about them from my personal canon/fanonOne: She is most definitely not a whore. In her own words: "It's just a dream so I might as well have fun." She's flirty and very seductive, but that might just be in her nature to tease sweet guys into doing things for her. It's certainly not a crime to use one's feminine wiles ( ... )


rosehiptea June 12 2008, 23:18:34 UTC
I just like imagining her with that up-do and a Oxford shirt with a pencil skirt, though she hates singing the birthday song to patrons.

I think I do too...

He'd ask her to marry him if he wasn't so sure she'd turn him down.

Aw, now suddenly Richard sounds almost cute to me. XD

She never got peace in the afterlife.

;_; But I agree, you'd have to get silly to think of many things she hasn't done. I don't mean that in a "my mind is in the gutter," just that she probably had a very full life.


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