
Dec 04, 2021 20:07

Looks like I missed a night here on the journals - I skipped night 6 but here I am with night 7. Sorry about that. I thought I posted and must have forgot. I am posting a few places so I must have missed it here. All the pics look the same - anyhoo. Here is tonight's menorah pic - night seven - more light! It just looks so cool!

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christmas, hanukkah

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Comments 3

spikedluv December 5 2021, 12:05:07 UTC
I agree with you on the pagan roots and pretty of Christmas. Most of my decorations are snowmen, rather than anything religious (which I very much am not). *g*

The menorah looks lovely (I love candlelight) and the tree is very festive.


phyncke December 6 2021, 01:47:26 UTC
I have a lot of animals, puffy stuff and nature things and snowflakes - I love sparkly snowflakes and the odd coffee related item since I am a coffee addict.
So many Christmas decorations are non-religious - so I love that. I don't do Santa or things like that. I have to have non-breakable things because of my cat. I think ornaments look a lot like cat toys so they are a big temptation to him.
My tree is really small but it is fun to have and it is a fake tree.

Thanks for commenting!


keiliss December 6 2021, 16:15:00 UTC
I love your tree, it's very pretty. Ours isn't up yet, but Fred the Squirrel will have a prime place as always when it's time ☺️


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