
Jun 25, 2017 20:15

So hey - I am here with a post. I had a great vacation in New Hampshire/Massachusetts. I spent time with my family and met my half-sister and there was nothing bad or scary about that. She is very nice and we all got along. We spent a Friday-Monday weekend thing together on the Cape in Mass and it was very good. It was amazing how relaxed it all ( Read more... )

plants, family, gardening, david sedaris

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Comments 7

chaotic_binky June 26 2017, 18:55:35 UTC
I am glad meeting your half sister was so positive for you :)

The food sounds delicious!


phyncke July 4 2017, 02:46:26 UTC
It was really nice to meet her and connect to a new family member.
The food was awesome. Just what I wanted. :)


jaiden_s June 26 2017, 21:35:04 UTC
I was out in Seattle last week and got to hang with Nienna Weeper. :) Thought of you and the get-togethers we used to have. You're a good travel buddy.


phyncke July 4 2017, 02:47:20 UTC
I saw you two got together. That must have been fun!
We did have a blast getting together. Must do that again sometime.


red_lasbelin June 28 2017, 03:15:42 UTC
It's always good to hear from you, Jane! I'm glad everything went well with meeting your half sister and that it was okay with both her and your dad too. My dad had a half sister and it was a really complicated thing, meeting again after being separated for almost forty years.

The food sounds sooo good! :)

I am also exploring make up these days. I've always been a foundation girl because of my rosacea and lipstick occasionally, but now I am playing around with more lipstick and maybe even some eyeliner. :D


phyncke July 4 2017, 02:49:29 UTC
I just got a bunch of lipstick that I ordered online. Am loving lipcolors. I am too lazy for eyeliner. I don't have the patience for that.

And wow about your dad. That must have been something. I hope it was ultimately positive.


keiliss July 8 2017, 02:45:13 UTC
New family - that must have been quite the experience, I'm happy it turned out so positive for everyone. That is very cool.

Loved picking and using my own herbs! Most everything was killed by the drought but when water restrictions are finally lifted I shall start over (if I'm not too old by then - this is going on forever)

And yay for make up - there cannot be too much colour in life :D


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