Your guy side:
[x] You woke up with a boner. (possibly. I was pretty out of it this morning, but I’ll assume.)
[x] You're taller than 5'5". (hell yeah)
[] You don't hesitate to hit a bitch. (nope you don't hit ANY woman)
[] You like to get drunk and fight. (drunk yes. fight no.)
[x] You drink beer. (nectar of the gods)
[x] MEAT! (what
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Comments 8
[] Your father told you about sex. (my dad lucked out there. I wanted to be an obstetrician when I was 4, and started reading about it. Sex was no mystery by the time the hormones kicked in)
Now that makes me curious - were you able to read at the age of 4 already ? Or when did you start to learn the specifics ?
I was obviously not at college-level reading by 4, and I had trouble navigating the medical books my mother had, so I was reading random stuff about medicine, anatomy, physiology, etc. and not understanding much of it at that time (but yes, I did start at least trying to read that stuff at 4). It was later as I overheard terms like "early termination", "trimester", "gestation", "ultrasound", etc. from my mother's conversations about work, that I was able to try to look those things up. I think I was actually 7 before I figured out how a sperm cell could make contact with an ovum (it hadn't occurred to me before that). I don't remember when I started asking the questions, but instead of "where do babies come from?", I think my first question was related to that guess, and whether I was right or not.
Yeah . . . my parents never knew what was coming next. It's OK to feel sorry for them.
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