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I <3<3<3<3<3<3 this band and would totally love to roadie for them. Yes. My retarded fantasies about bands involve carrying their gear and fetching beer. Oh, and duck tape. Can't forget the duck tape.
Does anyone else have roadie fantasies? Or am I just that lame?
Comments 4
Yeah, there are several bands Id do the same to. Well, maybe just two or three.
I need to find some way to get that oh-so-sought-after connection in the music industry. If I ever do and I can work with bands, hfs, I'll be able to die happy. ♥
... If I was alive, old enough, and living in Japan back in the late 80's and early 90's, I would have gladly been an X roadie. I would have been running all over the place to get Toshi water, Yoshiki wine, hide.. whatever he would have wanted idk xD; And I'd get Taiji all the booze he could ever want, and get Pata a couple bottles of Jack Daniel's, a blanket, a pillow, and a box of kittens. ♥ I'd cook for them. I'd carry their shit around. Anything. ♥♥♥
I wouldn't last as an X roadie; I couldn't take all of Yoshiki's drama-queen bullshit without punching him in the face. Repeatedly. But maybe I'd be able to put up with Yoshiki for a chance to take care of Pata and make sure he eats properly...well, try to anyways. If I try to force him to eat I'd just get fired.
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