Suits Fic: Gravity

Apr 17, 2013 01:16

Title: Gravity
Rating: PG
Category: Donna Paulsen/Harvey Specter.
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: Character death.
Disclaimer: Owned by others.
Author's Note: For the donna_harvey comment fic-a-thon in response to enemeriad's prompt that Donna dies and Harvey realises what an ass he was/falls in love with her. (And I don't know what you've done, missy, but your angst is ( Read more... )

fic, suits

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Comments 7

ceruleantides April 17 2013, 17:14:20 UTC
I can't say that I've ever thought about having either of them die, but damn if you didn't do it justice. It's real, raw, reading his emotions I can see him empty and angry. Staring out at buildings, (and the part that absolutely broke my heart) and the desk that's no longer hers.

Harvey finding camaraderie in Louis is so great. He was close to Donna in his own way, and is emotional and yet also hilarious.

It's tragically beautiful, and while I'm possibly teary eyed because I'M HUMAN, I loved it.


phrenitis April 21 2013, 22:25:06 UTC
There was just something about the prompt that made me want to try it. But gah, the scenario is NOT OKAY, and should never happen. Nope. But I swear Harvey, you had better figure it out soon...

Glad you liked the Louis bits - I loved the idea that out of everyone, Louis has such a long and colorful past with Harvey, yet because of it, and because of Louis' own feelings about Donna, he could also be the person that understands Harvey the most in the moment.

And thank you, love!! <3


snowflake912 April 17 2013, 21:43:00 UTC
You made me cry. This is so, so sad. It should never happen. There was a lump in my throat all the way through.

I love that he talks to Louis about it, because in his own way, Louis is in love with Donna too. (But who isn't, so moot point there). I love that her mother knows Harvey so well, like an older, even wiser Donna.

The can opener makes me sad. Donna knows he loves her - of course she does. Everyone knows, Harvey. Get with the program. I'm rambling, but I'm sad and devastated at the thought that anything like this might ever happen, EVER.

Thank you for sharing! Your writing never fails to bring things to life (no pun intended).


phrenitis April 21 2013, 22:43:29 UTC
Aww. *HUGS* I am so sorry! I swear enemeriad has me on some sort of tragedy slant at the moment, and the prompt called to me. Evilness.

I needed someone to be Harvey's Donna without it being Donna of course, and I liked that her mother could be someone that knew Harvey tangentially, knew Donna had loved him, and had enough of Donna's personality to be that person for him that he needed and yet also continued to remind him of what he'd lost. BECAUSE HE WAS AN IDIOT AND NEVER TOLD DONNA HIS FEELINGS. Season three had better remedy this - I expect movement on the Donna/Harvey front!

Thanks so much for reading and leaving sweet comments. :)


onlywordsnow June 13 2013, 17:18:51 UTC
I don't know why I never saw this but it was absolutely perfect.


phrenitis June 14 2013, 02:53:46 UTC
It's sad, so I didn't advertise it. Even I can't read it more than once, lol.

And thanks lovely. <3


enemeriad July 14 2013, 22:46:00 UTC
Gulping, sobbing, dying I got through this fic. This was lovely in the way I like it. (You know me so well, me with my obsession for heart wrenching, knife twisting in the gut type of fic.)

And this was beautiful. And I love that Donna's mother is just as influential and interesting and a powerhouse as her daughte.r Ugh. Perfect.

Loved it.


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