Title: Some Nights (It Takes A Conversation)
Rating: PG
Category: Donna Paulsen/Harvey Specter.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Owned by others.
Summary: He knows they're talking about a kiss and is well aware of the irony in approaching it like lawyers.
Part 1:
Some Nights (It Was Meant To Be)Part 2:
Some Nights (It All Could End) (
Some Nights (It Takes A Conversation) )
Comments 6
I love everything about all three parts. I love the progression, I love their conversation, that she hurts him because it's Harvey and he doesn't get hurt, but of course Donna can hurt him because she's Donna and I LOVE IT ALL!!!!
And thank you for providing me with more Donna and Harvey in formal wear... My phone and computer may have drool on it after thinking about what they are wearing, but it was OH SO WORTH IT!
Also much love how Harvey still second guesses giving Donna more insight into who he was before they met (and before Harvey ended up in the mailroom)
Donna's smile is luminescent, her laugh fluid and lovely, and Harvey thinks maybe it was all worth it.
I think this bit is particularly telling. That her joy at something he loathes (other people really knowing him, getting past that barrier he has) actually makes him happy.
Really nice ending of promise, too. Thanks for sharing it :)
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