In Fullmetal Alchemist episode 38, Winry picks several locks to get into a government installation maintenence tunnel, then uses her lineman's handset to eavesdrop on conversations. It was hot.
ROFL. You should have gone to Hackers On Planet Earth: In the vendor room, they were selling a DVD called "chiXXXors", which was nothing but a computer hacking/phreaking porn video!
Yeah, but the girls in that are hideously fucking ugly, while Winry-chan is a personification of female beauty and grace. That hacking porn video was likely the most retarded thing I'd seen in my life.
They debued that at Defcon a year or two ago, and lots of hilarious hijinx ensued around the losers who made it. Someone was selling pirated copies of their dvd, and one of the girls who was in the film ran up and punched him in the face.
Comments 5
They debued that at Defcon a year or two ago, and lots of hilarious hijinx ensued around the losers who made it. Someone was selling pirated copies of their dvd, and one of the girls who was in the film ran up and punched him in the face.
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