
Mar 05, 2010 12:51

Dear Commerce Bank,

You fucking suck. I hope you collapse and are bought out by a company who gives a damn.



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Comments 3

removeyourpants March 5 2010, 19:09:35 UTC
omg. don't get me started. wait, nm, i've already started.

i once asked this loan officer guy if he could help me consolidate a couple of my loans and he actually SIGHED and told me it was a really long process, but we can go through it if i have time. wtf, dude, is this not your job?? and hello it's a tuesday afternoon and the bank is DEAD.

god and idiots on the phone are even worse. okay i can't go any further because i can write ten pages of hate.


not_tattooed March 5 2010, 21:45:10 UTC
I've always had very good experiences and customer service with US Bank, multiple times in person and on the phone over the past 5 years.

Just a thought. Sorry Commerce is so sucktastic.


(The comment has been removed)

photozenic March 7 2010, 17:44:30 UTC
I switched to a local credit union some time ago. The folks there are much politer and they don't actively try to screw me over.


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