Blending images using feathering (Level: Hard)

Dec 23, 2003 17:50

So, blending images seems a bit tricky, but it really isn't too bad (but it still requires a little bit of eyeing and skill) if you know how to do it. Many times you may want to put two completely different images together, but then using the lasso tool can really be a pain in the arse, even with the masking filter that PS7 has. So what other options are there? You can always feather your images. Warning: the images are rather large in this tutorial, so please be patient.

Let's begin!

Open up two images. I used these two Yuna pics:

So now I decided that I want to stick the first Yuna picture into the other one. Go to your toolbar and use the polygonal lassotool. It should look like this:
. Now I draw a really squiggly, not too perfect, shape around the area of Yuna I want.

Now I click on Alt+Ctrl+D or Select>>Feather and the feather selection window should pop open. Make the feathering about 50 pixels, but you can always play around with that. For this picture, though, I used 50 pixels, and then I click OK. Now the lasso I made around Yuna looks something like this:

Now click Ctrl+C to copy the image (or Edit>>Copy) and copy it onto your other layer. Now, the rest is really just playing around with it. If you end up with a line like this:

the best way to fix that is just by getting the smudge tool (found with the blur tool in your tools), making it really big, get the strength to about 75% and then just smear it, so then you'll end up with something like this:

Also, if you don't like how it's so see through, you can always duplicate the layer by right-clicking on that layer and then clicking duplicate layer (use the smudge tool again if you need to). And voila, you should end up with something like this:

I hope this helps! Remember to always experiment around with all the different steps. They can really turn out fantastic if you just tweak them around a bit! Cheers!

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