→ pokemon information

Sep 07, 2010 21:04

[location] Goldenrod City
[travel partners] spear_master
[money] P242750
[condition] fine
[battle theme] song magic?!

[current party: Pikachu, Furret, Pikachu, Shellder, Tangrowth, Kabutops]

Nickname: Kuro
Gender: ♀
Level: 84 (0/5)
Ability: Static
Moveset: Thundershock, Charm, Tail Whip, Thunder Wave,
Sweet Kiss, Nasty Plot, Agility, Discharge, Light Screen, Thunder
+ TM45 Attract, TM23 Iron Tail, TM70 Flash, TM24 Thunderbolt + Magnet Rise

→ Best teamwork with Sol in battle. They're also a couple. Kuro tops.
→ Likes to cling onto Cocona's shoulder or the top of her head.
→ Has a bottomless stomach. BLACK HOLE STOMACH.
→ Also likes to sit on people's shoes because of the power she feels when they can't move.
→ Doesn't want to evolve because Cocona wouldn't be able to carry her anymore.
→ Kuro acts as the mother/Cool Big Sis to all the baby Pokemon Cocona tends to get.
→ The Mastermind.

Nickname: Sol
Gender: ♂
Level: 80 (0/5)
Ability: Keen Eye
Moveset: Scratch, Foresight, Defense Curl, Quick Attack,
Fury Swipes, Helping Hand, Follow Me, Slam, Rest, Sucker Punch,
Amnesia, Baton Pass, Me First, Hyper Voice + TM06 Toxic, TM03 Water Pulse,
TM13 Ice Beam, TM24 Thunderbolt, TM35 Flamethrower + Last Resort

→ Kuro's hubby. Also acts as the gentle older brother figure to the younger ones.
→ Likes to cuddle with small Pokemon and to be used as a pillow/blanket/etc.
→ Grew out of the tsuntsun personality and turned derpy as he turned affectionate with Kuro.
→ Hates TM/HMs because they hurt his head whenever Cocona or Kuro smashes them on his head.

Nickname: ---
Gender: ♂
Level: 53 (0/5)
Ability: Torrent
Moveset: Tackle, Growl, Mud Slap, Water Gun, Bide, Foresight,
Mud Sport, Take Down, Whirlpool, Protect, Hydro Pump, Endeavor +
HM03 Surf + Rollout

→ Received by trollsikebukuro.
→ Likes to mimic faces and create whirlpools out of nowhere.
→ Herpderps everywhere.

Nickname: Pearl
Gender: ♀
Level: 58 (0/5)
Ability: Adaptability
Moveset: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Sand-Attack,
Quick Attack, Bite, Baton Pass, Take Down, Last Resort,
Trump Card + Headbutt (move tutor)

→ Possibly the cleanest and oldest Eevee of Johto in its entirety.
→ Stuck up, pompous, and vain. Tsundere to the max.
→ Pearl also resolves itself to never evolve EVER.
→ If she sees a evolution stone or hears about Eevee eggs, she will hiss and run away.
→ The douchiest Eevee you will ever find. IT PUTS BITE TO GOOD USE.
→ The only one who makes Pearl dere is Kuro and Sol because they raised her. 8T

Nickname: Lia
Gender: ♂
Level: 68 (0/5)
Ability: Swift Swim
Moveset: Splash, Tackle, Thrash, Bite, Dragon Rage, Leer,
Twister, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Dragon Rage,
Hyper Beam + HM03 Surf, HM04 Strength + Outrage

→ Lia is actually pretty gentle. He's sad when somebody gets scared of him.
→ As a Magikarp, he was spoiled by Cocona, who stuck with him throughout all of his training. He's very loyal.
→ Because of that, he's persistent in training. A hard worker!
→ But Lia loves using Rain Dance, even when it's stupid cold outside.

Nickname: Ciel
Gender: ♂
Level: 67 (0/5)
Ability: Insomnia
Moveset: Knock Off, Screech, Night Shade, Curse, Spite,
Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, Faint Attack, Shadow Ball, Suck Punch,
Embargo, Snatch, Grudge + TM24 Thunderbolt + Pain Split

→ Likes scaring people, playing pranks, and causing general mischief.
→ Pretty cocky, but lazy. Steals berries from wild Pokemon a lot.
→ Occasionally uses Curse on its own without Cocona's directions.
→ Frequently makes the face of someone that's about to die in rage.

Nickname: Soope
Gender: ♀
Level: 75 (0/5)
Ability: Synchronize
Moveset: Peck, Leer, Night Shade, Teleport, Lucky Chant,
Miracle Eye, Me First, Confuse Ray, Tailwind, Wish, Psycho Shift,
Future Sight, Ominous Wind, Power Swap, Guard Swap, Psychic
+ TM51 Roost, HM02 Fly + Sky Attack

→ Taught how to deliver things.
→ Likes to be in high places.
→ Very competitive and rarely gives up.
→ Gets pissed off when she's slammed to the ground.

Nickname: Tierra
Gender: ♀
Level: 54 (0/5)
Ability: Damp
Moveset: Water Gun, Tail Whip, Mud Sport, Mud Shot, Slam,
Mud Bomb, Amnesia, Yawn, Earthquake, Rain Dance, Mist, Haze,
Muddy Water + HM03 Surf + Ice Punch

→ Has a "I DON'T WANNA GROW UP" complex.
→ Has a sibling relationship between Cubone (given back to Machi), Eevee, and Mudkip.
→ Doesn't want to evolve because TINY PEOPLE ARE AWESOME.

Nickname: Diane
Gender: ♀
Level: 67 (0/5)
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moveset: Vine Whip, Growth, Wrap, Stun Spore, Sleep/Poison Powder,
Acid, Knock Off, Sweet Scent, Gastro Acid, Razor Leaf, Slam, Wring Out,
Leaf Storm, Leaf Blade + Synthesis

→ Its hunger actually rivals Kuro's now.
→ Diane is a bit laid back compared to other battle-hungry teammates.

Nickname: Lymi
Gender: ♀
Level: 65 (0/5)
Ability: Flash Fire
Moveset: Ember, Tail Whip, Roar, Quick Attack, Will-O-Wisp,
Confuse Ray, Imprison, Flamethrower, Safeguard, Payback, Fire Spin,
Captivate, Grudge, Extrasensory, Fire Blast + Ominous Wind

→ GRRRR. doesn't like guys. Reason why Kaito traded her.
→ Pretty haughty. ADAMANT. Doesn't stop until she gets what she wants.
→ Hates being alone.
→ Spits out less fire when it's cold because she wants to retain the heat.

Nickname: Lune
Gender: ♀
Level: 70 (0/5)
Ability: Water Absorb
Moveset: Water Sport, Bubble, Hypnosis, Water Gun, Doubleslap,
Rain Dance, Body Slam, Bubblebeam, Mud Shot, Belly Drum, Wake-Up Slap,
Hydro Pump, Mud Bomb, Swagger + TM28 Dig, TM13 Ice Beam,
HM03 Surf, HM04 Strength + Bounce

→ Upbeat at times, but still timid more often.
→ Free of being a katamari ball!
→ Adopted Cocona's desire to help others.

Nickname: ---
Gender: -
Level: 50 (0/5)
Ability: Download
Moveset: Conversion 2, Tackle, Conversion, Sharpen, Psybeam,
Agility, Recover, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam, Recycle, Discharge, Lock-On

→ Loves converting cyberspace stuff.
→ Loves using conversion to confuse others.
→ Makes beeping noises a lot.
→ Turns PC Boxes into a playground so it never gets bored.
→ Received in egg form from holdsleftovers.

Nickname: Yui
Gender: ♀
Level: 55 (0/5)
Ability: Natural Cure
Moveset: Peck, Growl, Astonish, Sing, Fury Attack,
Safeguard, Mist, Take Down, Natural Gift, Dragonbreath,
Dragondance, Refresh + HM02 Fly

→ OT: ohmygiita
→ Likes to fluff and float around.

Nickname: Rui
Gender: ♂
Level: 55 (0/5)
Ability: Pick Up
Moveset: Covet, Lick, Scratch, Leer, Fake Tears, Fury Swipes,
Faint Attack, Sweet Scent, Slash, Scary Face, Rest, Snore

→ OT: ohmygiita
→ Best friends with Yui the Swablu.

Nickname: Jinjing
Gender: ♂
Level: 45 (0/5)
Ability: Static
Moveset: Thundershock, Charm, Tail Whip, Thunder Wave,
Sweet Kiss, Nasty Plot, Slam, Thunderbolt, Feint, Agility, Discharge,
Light Screen, Thunder

→ Kuro and Sol's baby!
→ Named him after the original Jinjing, who Kuro and Sol were best friends with.
→ It acts all macho and manly. MUST PROTECT MAMA... but fails.

Nickname: ---
Gender: ♂
Level: 47 (0/5)
Ability: Run Away
Moveset: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Ember, Flame Wheel,
Stomp, Fire Spin, Take Down, Agility, Fire Blast, Bounce, Flare Blitz

→ Receievd in egg form from usedpresent for a Swablu egg.
→ ... He's a coward.

Nickname: ---
Gender: ♂
Level: 49 (0/5)
Ability: Battle Armor
Moveset: Scratch, Harden, Absorb, Leer, Mud Shot,
Sand Attack, Endure, Aqua Jet, Mega Drain, Slash, Metal Sound + Rapid Spin

→ Received in egg form for Easter event.
→ Likes to use Rapid Spin and shoot itself at faces... at least it used to. He can't exactly do that anymore.
→ Sometimes it clings to Cocona's back or her bag.
→ It's a mischievous little thing.
→ Spars with Cocona.

Nickname: ---
Gender: ♂
Level: 49 (0/5)
Ability: Skill Link
Moveset: Tackle, Withdraw, Supersonic, Icicle Spear,
Protect, Leer, Clamp, Ice Shard, Aurora Beam, Whirlpool,
Iron Defense, Brine, Ice beam

→ Fished out as a chain of Shellders.
→ Unintentionally enrages other Pokemon due to its tongue constantly sticking out.
→ Derp.

Nickname: ---
Gender: ♂
Level: 61 (0/5)
Ability: Rock Head
Moveset: Rock Slide, Growl, Tail Whip, Bone Club, Headbutt,
Leer, Focus Energy, Bonemerang, Rage, False Swipe, Thrash, Fling,
Bone Rush, Endeavor, Double-Edge

→ OT: trusts_in_johto
→ Seems a lot more confident.
→ Still a bit childish though.

Nickname: ---
Gender: ♂
Level: 45 (0/5)
Ability: Lightningrod
Moveset: Horn Attack, Tail Whip, Stomp, Fury Attack,
Scary Face, Rock Blast, Take Down, Horn Drill, Hammer Arm, Stone Edge

Nickname: ---
Gender: ♀
Level: 40 (0/5)
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moveset: Absorb, Sweet Scent, Acid, Poisonpowder,
Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Mega Drain, Lucky Chant, Natural Gift

Nickname: ---
Gender: ♂
Level: 45 (0/5)
Ability: Super Luck
Moveset: Peck, Astonish, Pursuit, Haze, Wing Attack,
Night Shade, Assurance, Taunt, Faint Attack, Mean Look,
Sucker Punch + HM02 Fly

Nickname: ---
Gender: ♀
Level: 45 (0/5)
Ability: Leaf Guard
Moveset: Ingrain, Constrict, Sleep Powder, Absorb,
Growth, Poison Powder, Vine Whip, Bind, Mega Drain, Stun Spore,
Knock Off, Ancientpower, Knock Off, Natural Gift, Slam

( Pokemon Acquisition: 23/24 )
Updated on July 10, 2011

*pokemon, *inventory, !ooc, *activity

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