Whoo, photo post! I meant to post this an hour ago but you all should know how I am by now. :/
I finally finished my first 120 roll in my Holga. I went to school two hours early yesterday morning and developed the film. I was (sadly to say) quite surprised I even had images on the roll! So, here they are - crap and all (not all 12, 2 were too underexposed to save and one was so overexposed my scanner didn't even read it). :D
The scans aren't all that good since I couldn't scan them like I normally do my film, but hopefully sometime in the next week I'll be able to scan them at school on the good scanner. They'll probably edit better than these as well.
* See notes at the end. I won't disrupt your viewing with my comments. :D
- I'm getting some crazy distortion at the bottom of the lens. Hmmm.
- Eee, more distortion and vignetting.
- This one is insane and reminds me of IR film.
- Double exposure. On purpose!
- Accidental double exposure, which turned out to be my favourite from the roll. (I also am forgetting that turning the camera does nothing to change landscape vs portrait as it's square. :x)
- What was once a magnificent Willow at my Granny's. (That black fiber looking thing in the corner starts from this frame on; I have no idea what it is.)
- So not in focus and you can see I turned the camera from the distortion of the left bottom and from that black thing now being in the top right corner.
- Bobo, my Granny's little Chihauhau. He will not leave me alone until I pick him up and hold him for the entire time I'm there. D:
- Double exposed mom! Haha. I exposed her picture with one of the crabs on the table. Mom, you've got crabs on your face! :PPP /maturity
Whee, so that was that. I have three rolls shot and developed for my first photo assignment and I spent three extra hours today in the painting studio attempting to finish my colour chart. It is really not going very well. :/ Not to mention my fingers are stained blue. I'll be in there all afternoon tomorrow if I have to and possibly this weekend to get that and photo stuff done. Man.
I have another assignment for POV! It'll be featuring downtown Thibodaux's new shopping area. Due about two weeks from now. And the reason only one of my photos got in the magazine this past issue is because the architects' firm sent them images to use, otherwise they would have used mine. I was also asked to shoot some event thing next Saturday from 6-8, but then I realized that 1) I may be working if I get the library job and 2) I already have plans to go to Courtney's in Denham for the party (got the invitation today! You sooo misspelled my name! Hmph). So, I shall be declining that one. :D I also better be getting paid for this time around. And depending if I get a good/ the best image, my work will be on the cover. How exciting is that?!
Anyway, I should be off to study, do homework, and/or read for English. Later guys. :D ♥