*Weather news for that day: "Today, from the dawn, we will be expecting light breeze, that will awake pleasant tingling sensations in all of us. Towards noon, at about 12:30 it will clear and become warmer, and in Adazi area we can expect champaigne rain, flower dew, splashes of kisses and hearty gusts of wind. Temperature at the feast will reach 40 degrees, air will be filled with family love. It will, however, become less clear towards the night, it is possible we will experience some surprising changes. About midnight, New Family moon will make itself astronomically present. Night is expected to be turbulent with laughter and loud with dancing. It is possible some can experience mild fogginess in their heads that will clear by the next morning. Following day might reflect some of the previous days’ sudden weather changes".
And I must say that despite -20 ºc - it was HOT!