Phoenix Down Monthly / Afterdark :: Format

Jun 10, 2008 11:50

Phoenix Down Monthly
Last Updated: 16 October 2008

Phoenix Down Monthly is for fanfiction and fanart of a more general nature (read: no explicit situations). Only a few select pieces in each category will be included each month. Because of this, it is very important for members to label their work properly when submitting.

Issue #1 and Issue #2 are available for you to glance through and get a good idea of what we're looking for! We have an outline, but we also try to cater each individual issue around what has been submitted, to best showcase each piece of work. Thus, every issue may be slightly different! Read on to see what we're looking for.

Phoenix Down Monthly: Issue Layout

  1. Cover Image
    Issue #1 uses official copyrighted FF art, but we hope to use fanart donated by our readers for all future issues! If you would like to see your artwork on the cover of a future issue of PDM, please submit your work and let us know!

  2. New Work

    This section is meant to highlight brand-new fanart and fanfiction! This is PDM's chance to debut new work to our readers and really show off the great stuff that's currently coming out of FF fandom.

    - New Fanfiction: We choose the best fic, and then sort according to the following genres:
    • Romance
    • Meta
    • Drama
    • Humor
    • Other
    We try to select no more than two pieces for each genre, to keep each issue diverse. This means the "New Fanfiction" section will usually include about 10 new pieces of fanfiction.

    - New Fanart is interspersed within this section. If we can match fandoms, we'll use a piece of fanart as an "illustration" to go with a piece of fanfiction. Otherwise, we scatter the fanart in this section.

  3. Drabbles and Special Format

    This section is meant for fics with specific formats - drabbles (100 words exactly), or special format work like poetry or one-sentence pieces.
    • We look for 6 drabbles per issue, to fit in our layout.
    • We accept a few special format pieces per issue -- this, of course, all depends on what is submitted. We try to not accept more than two works per issue in the same format. (For example, we might have 6 drabbles, 2 one-sentence pieces, and 1 piece of poetry.)

    Work in this section should all qualify as "New".

  4. Classics

    This section is meant to showcase older work. This is PDM's opportunity to bring new attention to already posted / published work; submitting to this section lets an author or artist highlight an old piece they are really proud of.

    We try to select 3-5 pieces of work to showcase our Classics section. The number of pieces selected actually depends on the size of the submissions we receive -- we try to balance the length of the Classics section overall. Often we'll include just an excerpt of a piece, and a link to where the rest of the work can be found. This lets us highlight older work without overwhelming our issue!

    PDM will no longer "hold over" Classic submissions for a future issue -- we've had a lot of work to hold over, and we're worried it will limit our ability to accept new submissions! So we've limited the number of pieces in the Classics section, and we won't be holding over the work that doesn't make it. If your Classics piece has been rejected for one month, though, it might have been simply because we needed to showcase other fandoms or genres -- feel free to resubmit it anytime!

  5. Recommendations

    - Editor's Choice is where the PDM editors can recommend pieces of fanart or fanfiction that they found especially noteworthy or unique. Each editor gets one rec per issue, and often only one or two editors will find something special enough to recommend.

    - Rec Section is where PDM readers can submit their own Recommendations! All recs are anonymous, and can include information about the fic or art as well as a one-line description.

  6. Fanart

    Fanart is interspersed throughout the issue to help illustrate fics and to highlight the artists' work. It is not as strictly sorted between New and Classic as fanfiction - it mostly depends on the layout of each particular issue.
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To Submit
Directions and Forms for submission can be found here.

Please see our FAQ post, here.

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