The Story After (LUNA: part 1)

Mar 02, 2008 00:03

Title: The Story After (LUNA)
Rating: PG
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Luna/Dean (Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione)
Summery: Right after book seven ends. Luna's POV.

Ginny was walking towards her. Luna stood up from the table and sent the whole thing wiggling.
"Where is he?" asked Ginny looking at where Harry had been sitting.
"Common room." she said. "It's good to see you. I'm sorry about your brother, Fred. But you'll always have a part of him in George."
"I'm glad you're okay Luna." She said. "Thanks." Luna nodded and watched Ginny walk out of the great hall.
"What was that about?" asked Dean watching the doors close. He and Seamus had stopped talking and where both looking at her.
"She was looking for Harry."
"Oh." said Dean looking down at the table.
"Dean, I know you love Ginny but,"
"I don't love her. She's just a best friend. Who I was dating for a while. But now I'm on the market." he laughed and Luna's heart sunk a little but she smiled when she herd his laugh. She had grown to know Dean in the Weasley's house. He was a great guy. "Well I was." he said grabbing her hand. She squeezed his hand and sat down. Seamus was looking at their hands, then at Dean, then at Luna, then back on their hands. He laughed a bit.
"Well I'm glad you two found a way to coupe with whatever happened to you." He threw a nasty look to someone behind them. Dean and Luna both looked around and saw the Malfoys sitting at what was the Syltherin table. She was standing before she knew it. She wanted to run across the room and hit every part she could reach. Dean clutched Luna's hand as she held back words she wanted to scream at them. Tears where falling down her face and she did little to stop them. She sat down and curled up next to Dean. He was petting her hair and she was crying onto his teeshirt . She cried about Hogwarts, she cried about her father, she cried about everyone who had died. She cried until the tears just ran dry. When she looked up most of the people in the great hall had left. She had herd Dean and Seamus talking but Dean hadn't moved. He was still holding her and petting her blond hair.
She sat up and looked at him. "Sorry." she said her voice croaking.
"Don't be. You've been through a lot of shit for the last year. Don't go and make you're self feel any worse for being human." She smiled at him and he smiled back. "You need sleep." he stood up ad held out his hand.
"Don't leave me please."
"I won't" he said grabbing her hand and pulling her into him. "I promise." he kissed her head and led her out of the great hall. They walked up to the Gryffindor tower and found the Fat Lady She smiled at them.
"Aren't you a Ravenclaw?"
"Yes." Luna croaked
"Oh, well, Password?"
"We don't know." said Dean.
"Oh hello Dean. Glad to have you back." she swung open to let them in. The common room was filled with people, most of them where asleep but there where a few hushed conversations here and there. It was warm despite the large hole in the wall. They walked to where they saw Dean's fellow Seventh years and Ginny.
"Hermione put some fancy invisable wall there." said Ginny from a chair next to the fire place. She was on Harry lap and they looked like they had never been apart.
"Yeah, but she said it wouldn't last all night." said Ron who was playing with Hermione's hair.
"Oh are you two together now?" asked Luna. Hermione blushed and nodded with a smile on her face.
"Finally." said Ginny. Ron laughed and Hermione blushed a deeper shade of red. "What about you two?" she asked looking at them and their hands that where intertwined.
"Yeah. We are." said Dean holding up their hands to show everyone.
"Congratulations. To Both of you." said Ginny.
"Never thought my best friend would be with Loony Lovegood." said Seamus smiling.
"What about you Neville? Any of your loyal fans strike your fancy?" asked Harry smiling at Neville. Everyone looked at him.
"Yeah." he said blushing.
"Well once you've had your pick," said Seamus, "mind if I?"
"Not at all." said Neville. Dean and Luna sat in the chair that Seamus vacated for them. He went and sat down on the back of Neville's chair. Luna looked around. It was nice to be with them all. To be with people again. People who cared. She looked at everyone in the common room. The people talking and sleeping. She leaned to whisper in Dean's ear "Where's Lavender?"
"Where's Lavender?" asked Dean. Luna had liked Lavender when they had been in the D.A. Everyone stopped smiling. "Oh, how's Pavarti?"
"She's holding up." said Hermione. "She's been crying in our room for hours. Madam Promfry said there was nothing she could do for her expect make the pain stop. She healed most of her bones but that she couldn't revive someone who's fate was sealed."
Everyone was quiet. "At least we've got each other." said Neville.
"Can we talk about something else?" said Ron his hands in fists.
"We can't pretend it didn't happen Ron." said Ginny "It did. Our friends are dead. Collin, Lavender, Remus, Tonks, Ernie, Fred. Fred died Ron and so did all those other people. And they did it so that we could live. And be happy and free of Voldemort." No one shuttered or started yelling and there where no snatchers popping up around them. "And it's a shitty way to repay them by pretending it didn't happen." She sunk into her chair and closed her eyes. Luna watched a tear squeeze out. Harry kissed her cheek.
"Ernie?" asked Seamus. His face was red.
"Yeah." said Hermione. "He was in the Hospital with Lavender."
"Who else is up there?" asked Dean.
"Well everyone who died is outside." said Hermione whipping a tear off her cheek.
"What?" said Luna angrily.
"Yeah go look. Their all in coffins." said Seamus gesturing to Hermione's invisable wall. Luna and Dean walked over and was rows of coffins surrounding Dumbledre's tomb.
"Where are they being burried?" she asked not wanting to look at them anymore for fear that she might get sick.
"Up to their family. But McGonnagle said that anyone who wanted to be burried here could be." said Neville. "I herd her taking to the heads of houses.
"I think it's fitting." said Luna looking back to the window but no longer seeing the amount of death that had gone on that night.
"I'm going to pay my respects in the morning. I haven't slept in about three days." said Ron standing up. "Goodnight." He took Hermione's hand and helped her up. They walked to the stairs to the girls dorms and he picked her up and kissed her goodnight. Seamus howled and Hermione blushed. They whispered something and went their separate ways.
"I'm going too. 'night all." said Seamus. Neville fallowed suit and went upstairs after Seamus. Ginny and Harry both went up the boy's dorm stairs. Luna herd and "Oi!" from who she thought must be Ron and saw Ginny come flying down the stairs cursing under her breath about "not doing anything." Luna laughed and brought her head closer into Dean. She breathed in his smell. It was salty and he smelled like Shell Cottage, and something else she couldn't place, but she knew she liked it.

Feedback is loved. I have more just need to edit it.

the story after, character: luna lovegood, harry potter, pairing:dean/luna

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