Filk: AO3 Alphabet Aerobics

Jan 09, 2016 23:34

Title: AO3 Alphabet Aerobics
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Filk Jutsu Gone Wrong. (Wherein the song lyrics are made up entirely of CANONICAL AO3 tags.)
Notes: Why Did I Write This? What Was I Thinking? I Don't Even Know. Inspired by Daniel Radcliffe Raps Blackalicious' Alphabet Aerobics. Boy, I never knew there were so many weird canonical tags on AO3. ( Read more... )

{randomness}, {lol}

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Comments 2

enchanted_jae January 10 2016, 00:26:47 UTC
Ha ha! Clever!


capitu January 11 2016, 19:53:15 UTC
This is... LOL OH MY GOD. Brilliant. XD


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