[1052] As We Know It, Act II, Scene V

Oct 17, 2010 01:24

Shikamaru closes out Act II for us. Is that a hint of future plot I see? And look, I have a title now! As always, not beta'd. Constructive criticism, comments, etc. are all welcome.

As We Know It
A Naruto AU, zombie apocalypse style

Original drabble by askerian

Act IAct II
Scene I, Sasuke
Scene I, Naruto
Scene II, Shikamaru
Scene II, Sasuke
Scene IIIRead more... )

zombies, shikamaru

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Comments 29

flourite_roses October 17 2010, 09:41:02 UTC
This is the last?? D: And the future does look extremely bleak for them. A zombie invasion would seriously suck. Humans nowadays can't do the stuff they could in the past...


phoenix_melody October 17 2010, 13:58:36 UTC
Well, it could be the last! It's not meant to be though. It's just the end of Act II.


flourite_roses October 17 2010, 14:14:30 UTC
oh ok lol. I thought you said it was the last somewhere. o.o I think I need to go to sleep now haha.


chibidrunksanzo October 17 2010, 09:43:23 UTC
I believe the appropriate phrase here is, "MWAHAHAHAHA!"

Also, you are evil. EVIL.


phoenix_melody October 17 2010, 13:59:48 UTC
*preens~* Thanks for commenting!


askerian October 17 2010, 12:42:31 UTC
man, i really like your shika POV. it's full of guilt and smarts. Prrt.

... oh hell no don't leave the car it's full of zombies out there D: D: D:


phoenix_melody October 17 2010, 14:02:58 UTC
Hee, I'm glad you do! Shikamaru's a lot of fun to write.

It's true, leaving the car wasn't the idea option, but it's the best they could do for now. Thanks for commenting!


rochan01 October 17 2010, 14:24:55 UTC
I can almost hear the ominous background music. O.o;


phoenix_melody October 17 2010, 14:35:16 UTC
That made me giggle and then try to decide what ominous background music would be most fitting. Thanks for reading!


(The comment has been removed)

phoenix_melody October 18 2010, 00:12:09 UTC
I'm glad to hear you read all of the story so far! I've had fun writing it. Thanks for reading and commenting!


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