Title: A Black Fly in your Chardonnay
Pairing: Casey McCall/Dan Rydell
SN100 challenge #178, Irony
Written: 16/02/2009
"It rained on my wedding day," Casey snipes, switching stations. "It was a pain in the ass. Or maybe an omen." He broods on this for some distance, then asks, "You think she knows she got it wrong
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Comments 15
And hey, you wrote a fic with that headache? I'm doubly impressed.
Truthfully, if I didn't write when I had headaches, I'd never write at all. This weekend's was a bad one, but 100 words isn't too much of a strain. Luckily.
And thank you!
I only just got into this fandom, and you are quickly becoming one of my favorite fic writers in any fandom ever. You're also a CM fan and have matociquala on your flist, so I think I'm safe in my assumption that I'll like you very much. I'm going to add you; feel free to check out my journal and possibly add me back:D
I love Criminal Minds, but don't talk about it much on here, mostly because none of my friends are really into it. I do enjoy reading other people's thoughts on the show, though. The only problem is that I don't see it until months after they've commented, so it gets a bit confusing!
Now, that's ironic.
Ooo, yes. Much better than Alanis' definition.
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