Title: Moment of Truth (double drabble)
Pairing: Casey McCall/Dan Rydell
SN100 challenge #176: Gossip
Written: 12/01/09
When he sees the camera flash, Casey thinks his career's over. When they're summoned by Isaac early next morning, he's sure of it.
Dan tries to shrug it away. "We couldn't go on this way forever, Casey, you know that." Actually, Casey does know that, but it's hardly a comfort.
Isaac's not smiling. Casey closes his eyes, waiting for the axe to fall. But all Isaac says is, "Boys, next time I see your names in the papers, I want it to be in the news pages or the sports section. Not the gossip columns. Are we clear on that?"
Dan, who has a death wish, murmurs, "I thought any publicity was good publicity?" Isaac's glare impales him like a butterfly on a pin.
That's when Calvin Trager, sitting quietly listening, drops his bombshell. "What Isaac means, gentlemen, is that we'd like you either to be discreet, or - and this is entirely your choice - to make a public statement, in which case you'll have the full backing of QVN. I'll let you decide which it's to be."
"We'll be careful," Casey promises, at exactly the same moment as Dan says, "I'm ready. Let's go public."
Then only endless, aching silence.