Psss, thank you for the card. :) And thank you for the pictures you sent me. I thanked you in my LJ but I don't think you saw it. So thank you again!!!! :)
Hope everything goes well for you, but don't get discouraged if it's a bit hard at first - they make it that way on purpose. One of my friends is an officer in the Met Police and she loves the job. Although it did used to be a bit disconcerting when she came in and visited me in the shop wearing her uniform ...
I bought the Glen David GOuld book second hand the other day on your recommendation, and also becuase I liked the cover. You should never underestimate these things.
I'm still going "But what about the Earthsea trilogy?" and "Does no-one read Isaac Asimov/Damon Runyon/P G Wodehouse any more?" and thinking of loads of other Really Obvious Things. When you start to analyse it, that whole list's really quite scary. Or depressing. Or both.
Just noticed I missed all the bolds off the detective section. Huh. RTF's a bugger to edit, too. I shall let it lie, just to prove that I'm not reallyneurotic and obsessive. (Bites fingernails.)
I loved Carter Beats the Devil, it's one of those books that you finish reading and wish you were just starting it [for the first time] instead. At least, I thought so, and my friend Jo agreed with me, so that's two of us. I bet if he ever writes another book it'll be nothing like as good. *Sigh* [The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay turned out to be another one, but I had enormous difficulty with it because of scary Holocaust stuff. If you're less wimpy about the Holocaust than I am, I recommend that, too
( ... )
I love Emma Bull. She doesn't write enough, damn it-I don't know if she even is, any more-but all of her work is interesting to excellent. Falcon is tied with Bone Dance for favorite. :)
I'm gonna swipe your recs and add them to my meme thing. Hope I get them in the right categories...think I'll erase all the comments, too, to encourage some more picking up. I WILL stuff this down people's throats until it works, HA!!!
Emma Bull's actually on LJ, as coffeeem. She doesn't post much, and I'm not sure what she's doing for a living now. Her last book came out quite recently, and was western-themed - I think. She's also one of the writers of Shadow Unit, which they describe as 'fan fiction for a TV show that doesn't exist'.
Comments 8
Eh. That book swallowed hours of my life that I'll never get back. Stupid, irritating, too-damn-subtle ending.
Hope everything goes well for you, but don't get discouraged if it's a bit hard at first - they make it that way on purpose. One of my friends is an officer in the Met Police and she loves the job. Although it did used to be a bit disconcerting when she came in and visited me in the shop wearing her uniform ...
I bought the Glen David GOuld book second hand the other day on your recommendation, and also becuase I liked the cover. You should never underestimate these things.
Just noticed I missed all the bolds off the detective section. Huh. RTF's a bugger to edit, too. I shall let it lie, just to prove that I'm not reallyneurotic and obsessive. (Bites fingernails.)
I loved Carter Beats the Devil, it's one of those books that you finish reading and wish you were just starting it [for the first time] instead. At least, I thought so, and my friend Jo agreed with me, so that's two of us. I bet if he ever writes another book it'll be nothing like as good. *Sigh* [The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay turned out to be another one, but I had enormous difficulty with it because of scary Holocaust stuff. If you're less wimpy about the Holocaust than I am, I recommend that, too ( ... )
I'm gonna swipe your recs and add them to my meme thing. Hope I get them in the right categories...think I'll erase all the comments, too, to encourage some more picking up. I WILL stuff this down people's throats until it works, HA!!!
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