Saturday Night's Alright (ten/jack, nc-17)

Jul 15, 2011 21:21

title: Saturday Night's Alright
author: phinnia
prompt: kiss_bingo: body: hands
pairing: ten/jack
rating: nc-17
disclaimer: a wandering minstrel i, a thing of shreds and patches. i own nothing.
warnings: m/m sex
author's note: part of a short but apparently growing AU where COE never happened and Ten is trying to be more decent to his friends (including Jack) after losing Rose to the magma clamp. Follows ' I've Got Rhythm' but can be read alone.

They had a stupid fight last night, their first since Jack had come back to stay. It was so stupid that he'd lay awake half the night convinced he was completely right, and then paced the bedroom for the other half of the night muttering to himself how stupid he was, and by morning he hadn't slept at all and had completely forgotten what the stupid fight was about, but he still felt like seven shades of shit.

The Doctor, of course, never bothered to come to bed. The Doctor had probably spent all night in the console room tinkering. Come rain or shine, for richer or poorer, when things were going well or when the going got tough - the Doctor always tinkered.

"That's what you get for falling for an impossible nine hundred year old alien, dumbass." Jack sighs, runs his fingers through his hair and stumbles toward the sonic shower.

He feels marginally better after his shower, but still isn't looking forward to a potentially snippy Doctor. Of course he doesn't want to be accused of being snippy himself, so hiding in his room like a sullen teenager isn't going to help, but -

"Jack! You're awake. Thought of anywhere in particular you might want to go today? Anything you might want to see?"

Or ... maybe not? "Uh, I'm okay anywhere you want to go."

"We always go where I want to go."

"Um. Okay. Give me a few minutes, Doc, I'm still half asleep."

"Tea? Coffee?"

"Tea sounds great."

Jack slumps down on the jump seat and sighs. Instead of snippy-Doctor, now he's got ... some different kind of weirdly behaving Doctor instead, some Doctor he's never seen, who defers to him for everything.



The Doctor had been too afraid to come any closer to their shared bedroom than the hallway for the entire night. He knew Jack didn't want to see him - as much as he wanted to apologise to Jack - so apologising would have to wait until the morning.

He couldn't even get his mind on tinkering, his distraction was that bad. He just sort of stared at their coats hanging together over one of the coral struts near the door, and let his eyes go unfocused for a few minutes, and if his cheeks were wet afterward, well, no one was around except the TARDIS, and she wasn't talking.

That was last night. Now he needs to find some way to make sure Jack won't leave. He looks like hell - like he hasn't slept at all - so maybe they were both of a piece? Or maybe Jack had spent the entire night packing and was just trying to figure out how to break it to him? Maybe--



"The kettle's boiling." Jack reaches over his shoulder and unplugs it. "It's been whistling at you for the past five minutes. Everything okay?"

This close, Jack smells delicious - the pheromones of course, and a light musk that is simply Jack - The Doctor stamps thoroughly on his libido. "Fine, everything's fine. Just was thinking."

"Absent-minded Time Lord." Jack purrs fondly, massages his scalp with one broad hand. "What were you thinking about?"

"Things." the Doctor admits. His voice sounds rough in his own ears. He can't help but lean into Jack's fingers as they run through his hair, though - that is one of his kinks and Jack knows it, exploits it shamelessly at every turn. "You mostly. Oh, Jack, don't leave."

"Wasn't going to." Jack's other arm wraps around the Doctor's shoulders. "Told you, you can't get rid of me that easily. Do you even remember what we were fighting about? I don't."

"I don't care, as long as you're going to stay. No. Wait. I do care - I mean - I care in that I don't want it to happen again, but -"

Jack laughs and steps away, grabs the Doctor's hand instead. "I'll stop exploiting you into confusion with head rubs. At least until we're naked. You're just so damn adorable."


Jack tugs the Doctor toward their ensuite bathroom, grins at the Doctor's confusion as they pass the bed.

"I thought we were going to -"

"Oh, we are." Jack's grin is positively filthy. "I just thought we'd try something different. I had an idea earlier when I was rubbing your head."

Into the water shower this time, coaxing a confused and naked Time Lord along with him.

"Jack, if we have a slip and fall accident --"

"The TARDIS will not let us have a slip and fall accident, hush." The floor of the shower morphs below them and suddenly became slightly softer, more forgiving, with non-slip bumps in the tile. "Thank you, honey." Jack smiles, brushing a wall in pleased thanks.

Jack reaches up to grab some of the Doctor's favorite shampoo - something that is really more akin to a smoothie, really, with bananas and almonds and goat milk and whey protein, but he has to admit it makes the guy's hair look fantastic - and starts to massage it into the Doctor's hair.

The Doctor moans. "Did I ever tell you how amazing your hands are?"

"No." Jack smiles, continuing with his massage. He has switched to soap now and no part of that gorgeous body gets left out, from the Doctor's pinky toe to his long neck to the ticklish creases on the backs of his knees. He spends seven minutes on his cock alone, but so slowly that the Doctor can't get off yet, it just adds exponentially to the arousal building up.

"You have amazing hands. 's one of the things I l - really like about you."

Jack's smile broadens at the Doctor's slip of the tongue. "Well, thank you. Time to rinse, sweethearts." He tips the Time Lord's chin up so nothing rinses in his eyes, and then gets everything out of his hair.

"Now that you're all clean." Jack whispers in the Doctor's ear, "it's time to get dirty again. You get to choose: do you want to come in my amazing hands, or do you want to come in my mouth?"

"Hands, your hands." the Doctor captures one between long, cooler fingers and kisses it, sucks two fingers in his mouth greedily, like Jack's an ice cream cone.

"Maybe we should move this to the bed?" Jack laughs, shuts off the water. The TARDIS has provided some fluffy towels of the softest cotton to be found. Each dries off the other between deep, breath-stealing kisses, but it's more groping than any real actual attempt at drying.

Finally they are on the bed, The Doctor wraps his hips around Jack, lining them up together - and then he pins Jack to the bed so he's on top (an interesting changeup, and one that Jack will never complain about). Jack grins wildly up at his Doctor and takes them both in hand, squeezing to a steady but gentle rhythm that he knows will send the Doctor to pieces.

Jack loves being on the bottom when they do this, because the underside of the Doctor's cock has lovely ridges that make him feel amazing.

He rolls his hips, squeezes, grins at the Doctor's blissful face with a tiny wrinkle between the eyebrows. Oh yeah. He's close now and Jack knows it - the uneven panting, the slight whimper on every thrust - he's close and doesn't know what he needs. Poor bastard - Jack's been there.

Jack rolls them to their sides again and pops one finger in his mouth, gets it nice and wet - then just slides it oh-so- gently along the sensitive skin just inside the crack of the doctor's arse. They haven't tried anything penetrative yet - he's still trying to get the Doctor used to feeling relaxed and sensual (not locking all those feelings away like he'd been conditioned) and getting him used to asking for what he wants in bed (at least selecting from a list).

Jack's in no hurry - but it does mean that small touches should be enough to bring the Time Lord off.

The Doctor's shouts escalate into a scream, and he looks positively dazed as he falls off Jack and onto their bed. Jack feels fire in his shoulder - a bitemark, the Doctor has bitten him, he is seriously the luckiest bastard alive - and it's the combination of shock and pain of it, plus witnessing the Doctor lose control like this, that makes him come.

"Are you okay?" Jack touches the Doctor's elbow gently, draws him close before he can start any serious self-loathing.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" the Time Lord's voice is a bit shaky. "Sorry I, um, bit you."

"Don't be. Don't ever be." Jack grins like a wild thing. "I like it - I like that I can make you let your guard down like that. I like being marked like that. And I heal fast anyway."

The Doctor nods, rests his head on Jack's chest. "Is this why humans argue so much?"

"Is what why humans argue so much?"

"So they can have sex and make up?"

"It's a good theory." Jack buries his nose in his Time Lord's still-damp hair. "But we can have as much sex as you want without arguing, so let's not, okay? I hate arguing with you. Makes me feel ... off balance."

The Doctor kisses Jack's bitemark. "Me too."

dr. who, fanfic

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