commentfic: doctor who, 9th doctor/jack harkness, the feel of leather against skin

May 17, 2011 16:00

title: leather and skin
author: phinnia
rating: r
warnings: none really
pairing: 9th doctor/jack harkness
disclaimer: a wandering minstrel i, a thing of shreds and patches. I own nothing.
author's note: I've never written doctor #9 before - I hope this works out... :)
Jack has been fantasiizing about the Doctor for a while now. )

dr. who, fanfic

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Comments 2

sahiya May 18 2011, 06:40:13 UTC
Oh Jack. This is so beautifully, painfully wistful.


miintikwa May 18 2011, 22:39:14 UTC


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