
Apr 29, 2010 14:44

thanks to hithah, anneheart, mactavish, dolphingirl, and kwalton

new octopus name chosen by public vote if you scroll down, you'll also see the OCTOPUS-CAM. for gizmometer, because she is awesome. <3

yes, dolphins can really blow 'air rings' (video link)

extraordinary animals in the womb THERE IS A BABY DOLPHIN IN UTERO ON THIS PAGE OMG OMG OMG. plus an elephant, and some kind of wild cat, and ( Read more... )

penguins are awesome, more antarctica yay, antarctica is clearly awesome, science is awesome, eee dolphins omg!, my friends are awesome

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Comments 7

sunsetsinthewes April 29 2010, 22:00:43 UTC
Oh my. Your naked post needs some clothing.


phinnia April 29 2010, 22:09:44 UTC
eeek! fixed <3


(The comment has been removed)

phinnia April 29 2010, 23:49:08 UTC
YES. it was you~! thank you!


taiga13 April 30 2010, 00:28:06 UTC
Ooh, those astronomy necklaces are so cool.


brewsternorth April 30 2010, 02:07:54 UTC
Glad you heard about the newly-discovered ickle moth! I love that life has the continuous capacity to surprise us. (And zomg, it's so tiny it'd get lost if it landed on a dime.)


dawningmama April 30 2010, 12:56:12 UTC
I love your clicky posts. The baby animals in utero make me squee so loud I woke my dog.


phinnia May 3 2010, 02:22:39 UTC
Thank you! i love doing it <3 i'm so glad you like them. (i hope the dog wasn't too miffed.)


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