Title: What Goes Around Comes Around 4/?
Author: Emony
Fandom: ER
Pairing: Neela/Ray
Prompt: Birth
Rating: FRT
Disclaimer: The names of characters contained herein are the property of the copyright holder of "ER." No infringements of these copyrights are intended, and said characters are used here without permission.
Spoilers: "The Honeymoon is Over"
Word Count: 1,063.
shadow_diva without whom this fic would not be this long... and this chapter would not have been so good.
Summary: Ray's first day back at County doesn't go quite the way he expects.
Ray stood just outside the exam room, the door open slightly.
"-all your fault, and you know it!?" Katey was screeching.
"But, but." Katey laughed. What the hell was going on? What was she up to now? "Get over yourself you selfish bitch, none of it is about you."
"When did I ever say it was? You were the one who came in here and started laying in to me, Katey."
Ray tuned out Katey's screeching as he noticed Neela seemed to be gasping. Enough that he was getting worried; Pratt had mentioned she was having breathing problems.
"Oh, for God's sake you drama queen, it's not that bad."
There was a sound of something small crashing to the floor and of Katey's laughter. That was enough; Ray pushed the door open and walked in, stopping in shock at the scene.
Neela was gasping for breath reaching for her inhaler on the floor, only her legs were stopping her from being able to and the wheezing was only getting worse. Katey was doing nothing, just watching a small smirk across her face.
Ray shook himself free of the shock and moved to pick up the inhaler, trying to catch Neela's eyes as he did so. Her eyes were on Katey and Katey only. It looked as if she hadn't even noticed Ray was in the room.
Catching hold of her shaking arm, he got her attention and lifted the inhaler up to her,
"Come on, Neela. You need to breathe." He held the inhaler up against her mouth and she closed her lips around it. "Just breathe."
She finally focused on him and looked even more worried, almost ready to step back from him.
"Nothing to worry about, Neela. Just take deep breaths. In and out." As she began to follow his breathing he smiled, "that's it, keep going. In and out. You need to be calm enough to take this."
He waited, trying to keep her breathing and then shouted out for help. Within seconds Pratt was bursting through the door.
"What did you do, Barnett?"
Neela started shaking her head and her breathing got worse again.
"Neela, don't worry its going to be ok. Just in and out, right? In and out." He glared at Pratt, "Wasn't me, Pratt. I came in and found her like this, why don't you ask Katey?" He turned to look at Katey, "Or, hey, better yet why don't you get the police to do it for you?"
With that comment he turned back to Neela and got her settled on a bed and finally got her to use the inhaler.
"I didn't do anything."
"Exactly." Ray said from his spot next to Neela. He found the nearest oxygen mask and fitted it to her face, ignoring her protests.
"What?" Pratt turned towards him, looking confused.
"I heard Katey screaming at Neela and then heard Neela having difficulty breathing so I came in. Neela had dropped her inhaler and was wheezing and Katey was just standing there watching with the smile on her face!"
He was almost shouting as he reached the end.
Katey was beginning to look worried, like she'd finally noticed that she could have killed Neela and that it would have been wrong.
Pratt looked furious and incredulous at the same time. The other three in the room watched as he stepped towards the door and opened it calling out the door,
Greg watched as two men from security pulled a protesting Katey away, one of them calling for another to get in contact with the police right away.
He was still shaking his head as he turned back toward Neela and Barnett. He wasn't sure what was going on with Barnett, he knew now that he hadn't deliberately left Neela alone for two years, but he wasn't ready to forgive him right off. Even if it did look like he'd just saved her life.
"Neela, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Greg. No need to worry about me."
Greg laughed and heads towards the nearest drugs cabinet coming back needle in hand,
"Sure, you're just that desperate to be back up in surgery again." Ignoring her scowl he took her left arm and injected her, "Just a sedative, you need to rest give your body a chance to calm down."
The two men stood and waited, watching as she drifted off. Once she was asleep Greg turned on Ray,
"Get out."
"You heard me. She doesn't need you in here."
Greg watched as Ray bent down and started pulling up his right trouser leg,
"What are you doing?"
Ray looked up at him, his determination showing in his face,
"I let Katey keep me away when I didn't know what happened, man," he said as he started undoing a strap from his prosthetic, "no way am I going to let you keep me away now that I do know. So, either you back off or I can take off my leg and beat you with it."
Greg held up his hands, part in shock and part in admiration for the man in front of him, as he realised he really wasn't kidding.
"Fine, have it your way."
He left the room, a small smile on his face.
Neela shifted slightly as she drifted out of sleep to hear a voice she'd only really heard in her dreams these past few years.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I believed Katey and I'm sorry I wasn't there."
She felt someone pick up her hand, stroking it softly.
"But I'm here now. And I'm not leaving."
She lay there wondering what he meant, why he meant it, if he really meant it. Inwardly sighing she realised she couldn't stay like this; she had to let him know she was awake. She opened her eyes to that smile, the one that always made her feel better, no matter what.
She coughed, "Hey."
"Are you okay? Do you need any meds?"
She shook her head,
"I'm fine. How long was I asleep?"
He raised an eyebrow at her but let her get away with it,
"Just a few hours, Pratt told me Abby will take you home in a few hours."
Suddenly what he said earlier filters through,
"What are you doing here, Ray?"
"I said I wasn't leaving, Neela. I meant it."
End part.