Title: Aral Vorkosigan's Dog 7/15
Rating/warnings: R, Shards-level sexual and physical violence
Length: 70k (this chapter 5600 words)
Summary: Illyan is assigned to watch Aral Vorkosigan during the Escobaran war. Soon he has to choose between his duty and his conscience, and the consequences rapidly get beyond him.
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Aral Vorkosigan's Dog chapter 7 )
Comments 35
What's done is done? Oh, Illyan, he can always torture her some more. It's not like torture - or rape - gets any better. (Unless she's already dead.)
That's pretty much what I love doing most in fic--going through the background and colouring it in--so I'm very pleased that you like it here. Thanks!
I really like the way you've structured this chapter, with the contrast between the Serg/Beauregard and the Vorrutyer/Elena situations. In the first case, Aral finds out right away, and rushes to take action; Illyan, arriving late on the scene, can only react, but he does what he can to protect Aral, and in the end catches himself basking in Aral's appreciation. But then that very self-realization frightens him, and gives him the fortitude to stand up to Aral in the second incident. This also shows us Serg versus Vorrutyer, and (from Aral's perspective) success versus failure in rescuing the victim.
I agree with previous commenters that it's horrifying to see Illyan leaving Elena to her fate, even temporarily, but it's also somewhat understandable that he would make that decision in the context of this mission.
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