Title: Mia thalassa makria aka "A Sea Apart" (2004)
Fandom: NCIS
Series: The Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer
Characters/Pairing: Tony DiNozzo/Maddie Tyler and Seaman Sammie Weeks (OC)
12_stories Dark Table #8 Apart.
Word Count: 667
Rating: K+
Summary: “We email a few times a day, IM at least once a day, and talk on the sat phone once a week, but Mads got a thing for… What do you call paper stuff?”
Author's Notes: The second part of The Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer series. This takes place during Tony’s assignment to the USS Reagan.
The dingy that was the Tony/Maddie ship has actually grown. Pretty soon we might get our own fishing trawler!
The character of Sammie Weeks is loosely based on a modernization of Samantha Stewart from Foyle’s War. So sad that is over.
Tony looked up when he heard the knock on his cabin door and smiled at the young sailor standing there, “Mail here?”
“Yes, si… Agent DiNozzo,” she stepped over the threshold. “You got a package, as usual.”
“Thanks,” Tony took the package and tore into it. The box of Clownie Cakes on the top of the stack of envelopes was immediately opened and as he bit into one, he handed the box to the young sailor, “Clownie Cake, Sammie?”
Seaman Samantha Weeks shook her head, “No thanks, Agent DiNozzo. Package from your girlfriend?”
“Yeah,” Tony mumbled around the snack cake. “Not the Clownie Cakes, they’re from Abby. Maddie doesn’t like to feed me sugar.”
Sammie laughed, “She’s smart.”
“Very,” Tony smiled as he started pulling the various envelopes and organizing them on the desk.
“Agent DiNozzo, can I ask you a question?”
Tony sighed, “Only if you start calling me Tony, like I’ve asked.”
“Sorry… Tony. It just seems weird. I just spent months in training learning to call everyone ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ and you want me to call you Tony,” Sammie pursed her lips like it was a difficult concept.
“I’m not Navy, I just work for it. Besides, I’m going to get you to the dark side sooner or later. You’d make a great investigator.”
Sammie blushed, “Thanks, si… Agent… Tony.”
“Better, but still needs work,” Tony laughed as he stood and placed one of the piles in his locker and one by his berth. “What you want to know?”
“What’s with all the letters? I mean, every package you must get like twenty letters,” Sammie pointed to the remaining pile of letters on his desk.
“Twenty-one, actually. The observation was good, but the details and specifics are what you really need.” Tony nodded to the only chair in the room and sat on his berth, “So, what does that suggest.”
Sammie’s eyes narrowed in concentration, “Well, twenty-one could be… twenty-one is… three times seven is twenty-one.” Tony swore he could see the light bulb turn on over her head, “Maddie sends you three letters for each day of the week. One for the morning, the ones you put in your locker with your shaving kit. One for midday… or whenever you’re bored, the ones you leave on your desk. And one for evening, the ones you put in your berth.”
“Precisely! Good work, Sherlock,” Tony laughed.
“But, why? Don’t you guys email?”
“Sure,” Tony shrugged. “We email a few times a day, IM at least once a day, and talk on the sat phone once a week, but Mads got a thing for… What do you call paper stuff?”
“Letters,” Sammie suggested.
Tony shook his head, “No, you know paper memoirs.”
“Oh, like ephemera?”
Tony snapped his fingers, “That’s it. Mads got a thing for letters and cards and photos. She’s got to have a hundred photo albums, at least from since we started dating. And I think she’s saved every note I ever left her.”
“When Maddie was eight years old her best friend and her best friend’s mom were killed. All Maddie’s every really had of Kelly was her memories and the pictures and notes they shared as kids. And, if she didn’t have that, then she wouldn’t have anything.”
“So, she clings to paper and photos afraid that if something happens that is all she’ll have of you,” Sammie surmised.
Tony nodded, “Right. Once I’ve read the letters a few hundred times, I send them back to her with notes about the various stains and smudges on them after I’m done and my own letters.”
“That is so sweet.” Sammie tutted at Tony’s eye roll, “No, it is. Maybe someday your kids will read those letters and see that even though you were apart you still loved and cared for each other.”
Tony pulled out the open letter that was tucked in his shirt pocket and just soaked in Maddie’s swirling handwriting without reading it, “Yeah, that wouldn’t be so bad.”