Title: My Summer Vacation
Fandom: NCIS
Characters: Emily, Abby, Gibbs
Prompt: #63 Summer
Word Count: 1,111 - that is kinda cool.
Rating: K+
Summary: This year she’d finally have a good story to tell
Author's Notes: This is an AU, inspired in part by
wiccagirl24’s wonderful Kelly!verse. I really should wait until August to post this, but since the series is
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Comments 12
And what is this, about there only being a few more installment left? I was unaware! How come you have decided to end it?? (did anything come out of your baby-fic idea, by the way?)
Well, I decided that I wanted to wrap up the series, so that it wasn't one of my incomplete universes floating about in the internetz. 33 fics will also fit nicely on the table that I've created, so we've got three more to go that will wrap everything up. As for the baby-fic: That was vetoed in the polling that I did. So, there will be no baby fic for the Emily!verse (although a supporting character's baby will be mentioned). However, the baby-fic story is still in my writing journal and might turn into it's own universe.
I am very curious about your baby-fic idea! I would love to see what you had in mind, if you ever decide to write it.
I'll write the baby-fic idea, eventually. It will even feature Emily, but strictly as Fornell's daughter.
I'm jealous I would love to see the soccer game!
(played for years when i was a kid before I took up dancing...)
I'd love to go to some sort of Olympics someday, just to say I'd been.
Honestly, I hate soccer, so I have no idea why I made Em a soccer nut. I guess I've been on the sidelines for so many of my 'nephews' that it just fit.
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