New NCIS fic: Dark Dungeon and Dark Thoughts

Dec 13, 2007 19:55

Title: Dark Dungeon and Dark Thoughts
Fandom: NCIS
Characters: Abby, Gibbs
Spoilers: Bloodbath
Prompt: #74 Dark
Word Count: 345
Rating: K+
Summary: Abby stared at the broken piece of the boat, wondering why Gibbs wasn’t screaming at her.
Author's Notes: This is an AU, inspired in part by wiccagirl24’s wonderful Kelly!verse. In this ‘verse Emily Fornell is actually Emily Gibbs.

Abby again stared at the broken piece of the boat, wondering why Gibbs wasn’t screaming at her. He couldn’t be that happy about Mikel’s arrest that he was unconcerned about his boat. Risking a glance at him, she noticed that he just seemed weary more than mad.

“Think you done drinking now?”

She nodded, “Maybe forever.”

“Com’on, let’s go to bed before you pass out,” he stood and started guiding her from the basement.

At the bottom of the stairs, she stopped and looked at him, stricken, “Where’s Emily?”

“She’s at Ducky’s tonight,” he kissed her forehead. “I knew you wouldn’t want her seeing you like this.”

Abby sighed, “I don’t want you seeing me like this, Gibbs.”

“I’ve seen you drunk plenty, Abs.”

“But that was happy-drunk Abby,” she started climbing the stairs, “this is depressed-messed-up Abby.”

His hands moved to her waist to steady her, “Don’t matter, Abs. You’re still my girl and you’re still not allowed around Emily drunk.”

Abby suddenly spun to face him, making him move to catch her, “I’m so sorry, Gibbs.”

“It’s okay. I can fix the boat.”

“No,” she put her hand over his mouth, “I’m sorry I’m not a better role model for Emily. She looks up to me and what am I? The freaky tattooed chick, who get stalked by guys she meets in cemeteries and gets drunk in her… I mean Emily, not me… dad’s basement and breaks his boat and does the horizontal tango with him. I really shouldn’t be around her.”

He pulled her hand away from his mouth and growled, “Abigail Scuito, you are an amazing, brilliant, talented scientist. A kind and loving woman who is still strong and forceful. You are the best friend and the worst enemy a person could ask for. You show love and affection freely and mostly appropriately. If my daughter grows up to be half the woman you are, then I’ll be eternally grateful cause it will have been all your influence.”

“Oh, Gibbs,” her crushing hug nearly sent them both tumbling down the stairs.

ncis: het: gibbs/abby, ncis: character: abby, ncis: series: the emily verse, ncis: character: gibbs

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