Title: It’s a Boy
Characters: Don, Alan, OC
Word Count: 200
Rating: K
Summary: “Dad, I… I love you. You know that right?”
Author's Notes: Part of the Wormholes Series
Alan slipped into the dimly lit room. Quietly, he made his way over to the hospital bed where Melinda slept and kissed her forehead, before he smoothed a hand over Cooper’s head, which was resting on the bed near her leg. Satisfied they were okay, he turned to his true destination.
Don looked up from the small bundle in his arm and smiled, “Hey, Dad.”
“Back at you,” Alan ran a hand through Don’s short hair.
Catching his father’s hand, he sighed. “Dad, I… I love you. You know that right?”
“Of course, Donnie,” he squeezed his hand. “And I love you.”
“I think I finally understood how much a few hours ago when they placed this little guy in my arms. I thought that I loved you and Charlie and Coop and Minda more than I could love anyone…”
“Until him, right,” Alan cupped the baby’s head. “He opened up his eyes and looked at you and your heart exploded?”
Don nodded.
“I understand, it happened to me almost 40 years ago and then again five years later.” Alan smiled, “And again today, when I saw it happen to you with little Cooper Reeves Eppes, here.”
“Thank you, Dad.”