Title: One-on-One
Characters: Megan, OFC Melinda, (Millie, Alan, OFC Alania)
Word Count: 200
Rating: K
Summary: A chat before a charity basketball game.
Author's Notes: Um… Just that it is part of the Wormhole series. Nothing else to say, so no Author’s Assertion on this one.
Melinda stood in the doorway of the gym. Frankly her sister had more right to be here - The David Sinclair Memorial Basketball Tournament - but Don had asked. With a sigh, she moved towards where her family was seated. Naturally, Alan extended his hand to help her up the bleachers.
“Hi, I’m Megan Fleinhardt. You must be Melinda Eppes,” Megan leaned across Millie, who had Alania on her lap, and extended her hand.
Melinda slapped away the hand, “Funny, Megs.”
“Well, it’s been so long, I thought we should be reintroduced.”
Millie spoke to Alania, “Hey, Allie, lets go wish Uncle Donnie and Uncle Coop luck.”
“Subtle.” Megan laid a hand on Melinda’s swollen belly, “Did you really think that I wouldn’t want to see you, my sister, cause of this basketball belly?”
Shrugging, Melinda covered Megan’s hand, “I just didn’t know. I don’t know if you could stand…”
“Yeah, but,” Megan laid her head on Melinda’s shoulder, “but I could use my big sister right now.”
“Okay. How about you help your big sister cheer on her men for tonight and we’ll go from there?”
“Sounds good. You do know they are going to get their asses kicked, right?”