Monthly Challenge: Love
Title: What Love Is
Pairing/Character: Larry, Alan, Melinda, Alania (Oh, and in my head Millie is there, but she didn’t talk)
Disclaimer: Just because I own a calculator doesn’t mean I own Numb3rs
Rating: K
Word Count: 200
Summary: Larry explains love to Alania.
“Okay… I love you, too.” Larry snapped his phone shut, “It seems that our Federal counterpoints won’t be able to join us this evening. Although, Megan did request that I take leftovers to them.”
Alan stood to begin dishing the lasagna, “That’s doable. Alania can stay here tonight.”
“Dada,” Alania, who had been carefully studying her father from her highchair, interrupted before Larry could respond. “Wha love?”
Everyone froze. How exactly do you explain a concept that most adults don’t understand to a two year old? Especially with all the special circumstances that surrounded her.
“Well, sweetie,” Larry began to speak, “love is… an invisible force that binds people together.”
Alania thought about this, her little face scrunching up thoughtfully. Finally, she spoke again, “Mama not alwa wif Dada. Mama still love Dada?”
Larry smiled, “Of course, Mama loves Dada. Love doesn’t mean you can’t leave the other person, it just means you’ll always get pulled back together.”
“Love is like gafity,” Alaina announced clapping happily.
Melinda stared at her niece, “Did she just compare love to gravity?”
“I believe so,” Larry smiled proudly.
Laughing, Alan placed a kiss on Alania’s head, “You certainly are your daddy’s little girl, sweetheart.”