Whenever someone bemoans the intricacies or seemimg unfairness of the primary process, I just say, it's as good a test as any of presidential timber. You have to be able to live with potshots from the media as well as your opponents, pick excellent handlers, know the territory, think ahead, make yourself clear on a myriad of subjects, not look like you're flip-flopping when you do change your mind (as any sane person must during her/his lifetime), etc. Your article shows that Senator Clinton has slipped up in much the same way as the Bush Administration w.r.t. the war. At the very least, she truly misjudged the strength of her opponent, and her researchers have let her down more than once. If she can recoup with grace (and I grant that may include some back room negotiations, though I'm not sure how much of that I will be able to tolerate), I say she passes the test. If not, his victory over this canny, experienced woman will prove to me that Senator Obama is not the lightweight I had thought him.
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