*grin* Torchwood was absolutely amazing. Although I thought the monster that sucked the life out of Jack was a bit silly. But the creepy caretaker was fantastic!
The Jack/Jack thing was amazing. I cried. It was incredible. Yay!
I didn't think I'd cry/wibble so much at such a hot looking couple as Jack/Jack but damn did that make me well up.
Ianto/Jack ftw, and even though I wanted to remove the wide mouth frogs(Owens) testicles half way through the ep, i was silently routing for Owen/Jack too.
I apparently quite like having a gay Welshman running my life. Roll on spring.
I'm afraid hun, my brain isn't up to puzzles but I'm damn well gonna give the origami a go.
TorchwOOt should be the official word for discussion of all things TW,lol.
I'll send you one when I've made it, and the puzzle answer will come to me in the middle of the night and I'll have to write it down, 3am with a 2b pencil and it'll be all your fault.
Comments 11
It's on the same video as Perfect Parents, which was good.
The Jack/Jack thing was amazing. I cried. It was incredible. Yay!
The monster was a we bit pants but the Glowy killer enrgy made up for it.
Jack/Jack was so pretty, I got wobbly, Rhys hit me harder tho just cos he's so sweet.
Ianto/Jack ftw, and even though I wanted to remove the wide mouth frogs(Owens) testicles half way through the ep, i was silently routing for Owen/Jack too.
I apparently quite like having a gay Welshman running my life. Roll on spring.
I'm afraid hun, my brain isn't up to puzzles but I'm damn well gonna give the origami a go.
Yay, Lil paper dogs to take over the world.
and we've already talked torchw00t!
I'll send you one when I've made it, and the puzzle answer will come to me in the middle of the night and I'll have to write it down, 3am with a 2b pencil and it'll be all your fault.
Nah, I picture will be fine
*Evil laugh*
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