Dragon trainiiiiinnngggg!

Apr 06, 2010 22:18

Saw "How To Train Your Dragon" yesterday ( Read more... )

movies, derp, brb dying of awesome, gush, dragon training, fandom

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Comments 4

genarti April 6 2010, 14:24:37 UTC

The trailer looked ADORABLE when a friend of mine showed it to me. ("You know, that dragon movie? --Oh my god, you don't know? WE'RE WATCHING THIS NOW. LET ME GRAB MY LAPTOP.") But confirmation about the movie itself is excellent.

It's definitely on my list! I am horribly lazy about going to movies a lot of the time, but this one sounds worth bothering for. :)


pheonee April 6 2010, 14:29:38 UTC
IT IS SO WORTH IT. *epic heartings*

I would actually recommend 3D viewing, and I have NEVER done that; I'm not a huge fan of 3D and usually prefer movies without it, but HTTYD has a lot of EPIC CLOUDS and flying sequences that 3D would absolutely MAKE.

On a vaguely related topic: OMGSQUEE YOUR ICON. YOUR ICONNNN. *dies of happycute*

That's the exact brand of adorableness that HTTYD employs without shame. AND IT IS AMAZING. *_____*


genarti April 6 2010, 15:01:43 UTC
*steeples fingers* That's definitely good to know. I tend to resent paying the extra price for 3D, but sometimes it just helps a movie along.

I love that icon ENORMOUSLY FOREVER. *laughing* My friend adiva_calandia made it a while back along with a bunch of others (like this one!) from http://imreallysad.com.

Which is a website I recommend enormously if you want to look at random adorable pictures all day! And anti-recommend strongly if you want to be at all productive for the next half hour or so.


pheonee April 7 2010, 01:50:43 UTC
Trust me, I've seen 3D used pointlessly (Smurfatar), even on movies I adore (UP), and I can say with absolute conviction that it won't be wasted.

Unless it is. I'll have to get back to you on that, actually. ._.

And OMG THAT WEBSITE. I don't have the bandwidth for it but zong that website. *dead of cute*


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