Death-By Ficathon Masterlist!

May 28, 2006 11:09


Here it is! The second annual Death-By Masterlist! Lots of death and mayhem await, so please stop by and read a few.

bethynyc wrote Angelus death by puppy for phendog - Bad Dog!
zandra_x wrote Dawn death by whining for frellingtinked (thanks for being a back-up!) - Dawnie
amyleerules wrote Anya death by bunnies for vampirechick - With a Thousand Sweet Kisses
betafish wrote Riley death by umbrella for amyleerules - Superstitious Nonsense
athenewolfe wrote Dawn death by choice for amara_m - Awakening
nashmaveric wrote Riley death by kittens for maddogs991
phendog wrote for Anya death by something more horrible than bunnies for betafish - Kitties Aren't Just Cute Like Everybody Supposes
maddogs991 wrote Angel and Riley death by eavesdropping for jackofspikes - Death By Eavesdropping
frellingtinked wrote Andrew death by banana/action figure/tongue for kallie_kat - Fruit
kallie_kat wrote Riley death by crazy glue for nashmaveric - How to Catch a Commando
maryperk73703 wrote Angel death by gasoline for athenewolfe - Death By Gasoline, Zoolander Style
jackofspikes wrote Xander death by junkfood for shannon730 - Nine and a half Tacos
vampirechick wrote Drusilla death by poisoned baby blood for maryperk73703
shannon730 wrote Kennedy death by hair removal for bwaybourne - Magical Mishap
amara_m wrote Angel death by chocolate, shortsightedness for bethynyc - Death By Chocolate

Attention writers! As soon as you've posted your story (or if you already have) please leave me a comment with a link to your story! I'll then add it to the masterlist. Thank you ;^)

ficathon, fic, ficathon masterlist

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