Oh my! *looks upset* You mean to tell me that the blob thing has the hots for Ziggy-boy? *tries not to laugh* That's both disturbing and intriguing. *a lightbulb goes off* Perhaps that could be useful to us. *devious look*
And to think that I had problems. *sneers* How is it that Zigfried can attract such odd suitors? Excluding you and Raphael, which makes you the best choice yet, but for the sake of curiosity, I read that this thing has an infatuation/obsession with Zigfried. How does he sleep at night knowing that a demon can take the form of anyone just to be close to him?
I am trying to keep his mind focused on getting better. He still needs to recover his sight, and that will take time! *low growl* This damn creature could not have come at a worse time for him! Especially now that we are expecting a large group for the party!
Hmmm. *folds his arms in thought* Perhaps it's best that he keeps the party to those that he knows well since he is at a handicap. We need to come up with a code to allow those of us that are here to separate those that aren't. Meaning, if the changeling tries to imitate one of us, someone will know through the code.
You're always the first to come to a friend's aide, sacrficing all else to defend and comfort them! Zigfried needs you right now! I need you right now!
*snaps* I don't have the time to be calm! *stops, looks a bit ashamed* I have to figure out a way to protect Zigfried! I feel like there is so much to do!
Well, look at it this way. He wants to be with Zigfried, so he's not going to impersonate him, is he? Think about it logically. The person he's most likely to impersonate is YOU.
That's what worries me the most! What if he does something to Zigfried while impersonating me? What if Zigfried becomes so paranoid, he stops trusting me? What can I do to prove to him each time that I am me?
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