{ Filtered to His Lady Friends | last two Hard to Hack }

Jun 08, 2010 03:55

{filtered to THE LIGHT OF HIS LIFE}
I got no idea how long we're gonna have shore leave, but you wanna go somewhere while we're here? Maybe dinner or something. Just don't expect me to get all fancy.

{filtered to ABUSIVE BEST FRIEND}There any place you wanna go in the market, monkey face? I'll play bodyguard so no strange men attack you from the ( Read more... )

jenka, srstiems, hiyori, such a good amigo right, anthy, hnnnggh, yoruichi, trying to be a good beau

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Comments 16

[filtered to Shinji] anthypants June 8 2010, 08:03:17 UTC
I know you better than that!

I do want to get off the ship, though. At times I start to feel that it's smothering me. What about someplace outdoors?


[ Filtered to Anthy ] pharaohking June 8 2010, 08:24:20 UTC
I'd be down for something outdoors. Though, uh, I'm not too familiar with Garrettstown. Think we should just wander until we find a place?


[ Filtered to Shinji ] anthypants June 8 2010, 08:45:48 UTC
That sounds good! I'm not familiar with Garrettstown at all.


[filtered to WHO'S HORRID, WHALETEETH] flashstepfeline June 8 2010, 09:14:30 UTC
He hasn't given me any word.


[ Filtered to WHO DO YOU THINK ] pharaohking June 8 2010, 17:14:59 UTC
Well, lemme know when he does. I always get this feeling he's gonna pop up somewhere I don't expect him to.


[Filtered to Punching Bag] fanged_brat June 8 2010, 13:15:43 UTC
Cram it, Whaleteeth, I don't need you t'look after me! If any strange men attack me, I'll put 'em down myself!


We can still go, though.


[ Filtered to Mean Loli ] pharaohking June 8 2010, 17:18:47 UTC
Got anything in mind?


[ Filtered to Cottagehead ] fanged_brat June 12 2010, 02:20:17 UTC
Naw, but looking around'd be cool, right?


[ Filtered to Wtf Is Cottagehead ] pharaohking June 12 2010, 03:47:23 UTC
Yeah, should be fine.


[filtered to Shinji | voice | hard to hack] causink_trouble June 12 2010, 19:04:00 UTC
Huh? Didn't tell him anytink he couldn't find out from anyvun else vos on de old ship vith us. Vot, hyu expect me to pretend de guy never existed? Go ahead, tell all de rest of de crew never to mention him to anyvun, und see how suspicious dot looks.


[ Filtered to Jenka, Hard to Hack ] pharaohking June 12 2010, 20:46:23 UTC
Yeah, 'cept no one but you, Hiyori and me know Kensei was even on the run, unless he spilled to Reno. A lot o' people on the 4423 were runnin' from something, but not all o' them were declared dead by the Ivonian army.

So I'm not saying you gotta pretend he doesn't exist. I'm saying if you want us to trust you, don't go telling any more Kensei groupies that he's booked it.


[ Filtered to Shinji, Hard to Hack ] causink_trouble June 13 2010, 01:35:48 UTC
...Und vot in de vorld made hyu tink it vos a goot idea to trust me in de forst place, sveethot?

[ooc: How'd he find out, anyway? /curious
Also: she honestly didn't realize she said anything she shouldn't have, and feels mildly bad about it, though good luck getting her to admit that. XD]


[ Filtered to Jenka, Hard to Hack ] pharaohking June 13 2010, 03:02:51 UTC
I didn't. Hiyori did, and I generally trust her judgement.

[ ooc: Hisagi told him! ]


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