The Plagiary of the Opera

Sep 24, 2008 23:15

Meh, I liked it better when it was Phantom of the Opera in 15 Minutes by Cleolinda Jones. Reviewers, myself included, have politely pointed out to the author that s/he should give credit to the original author but those reviews are being deleted. Oh Phandom, whatever will we do with you? I just don't understand why anyone would bother plagiarizing for the sake of phanfic. After all, we're not even active enough to make fandom wank these days.

ETA: The author replies to my review with this claim:

One: No, only some of it is. And Two: That is only because my cousin, who
worked on that final product as the Phantom actually, has FINALLY granted me
access to their script, of which I use only partially throughout this parody.
It is only because they have given me their blessing that I can finally post
this and make people laugh, but as you can see by the first chapter, there is
a lot more improvised by me (ex. fangirls, wimpy assistant, etc.) then what
you see in the 15 min. version. Got it?

So, their cousin who didn't write PotO in 15 minutes gave them permission? Uncredited imaginary illegal permission?

ETA2: Upon being informed about her plagiarism repeatedly, our author takes her crazy excuses to new levels of obnoxious:

Hello again there, my finely feathered friends! The second chapter (or the first after the prologue) is here. Hope that you enjoy it, but PLEASE, I beg of you, read the author's note below. I don't want any more flames from some people, and that provides an explanation for all.

Now, in some of your reviews, there have been questions as to whether or not the cousins and the friends who leant me the script from THEIR parody are the creator of the 'POTO in 15 Minutes' parody. This is, in fact, true, and they have finally relented with their script and allowed me to post it on here. That is good for all of us. But I will admit that some of this I did not write, but have taken from their given script. However, because I do NOT want to be accused of plagiarism, I am adding a LOT more of my own jokes, including song parodies, which they did NOT do, as well as insulting continually annoying and stubborn POTO Purists of different sides, obsessive Phangirls, and a LOT more that I WON'T tell you about, because it will ruin the story for you. Also, I include much more dialogue then their '15 Min.' version. Okay? Good. Glad we got that all cleared up. Now, back to the story and our first song parody.

However, for those of you who HAVE accused me of plagiarism, I strongly detest to being accused of this heinous crime. I would never plagiarize anything! The reason for this being that when I was younger and into Neopets, knowing nothing of fanfiction, I posted a poem on a writing board, where everyone was entering a piece to be judged by the creator of the forum thread. Sadly, I did not win. But a few months later, when I was surfing the net, looking for a poem of Edgar Allen Poe's for a history project, I came across a writing contest that Scholastic had held, and some of the winning pieces that had been posted on the site. And sure enough, there with a few minor changes here and there, was my poem, which had won what I think was a Golden Key, which apparently was a pretty big honor or something. I felt absolutely terribly after that. The fact that someone had stolen something which I had created and was rewarded for doing something like that (albeit unknown by any judges there, obviously) really really hurt. Only I couldn't do anything about it, because: a.)this person lived so far away, and b.) I had no real proof that she had stolen it, because after every month, the boards on Neopets were swept clean and began anew. So all I had was my word, and my poem on paper in my writing folder at home. And who would be believed? A high school student with writing honors, who, to them, was much too old to be on Neopets, where it was claimed that the poem was first written? Or a 6th grader who had only a piece of paper as her proof, of which anyone could accuse her (me) of copying down from the webpage? I wouldn't've achieved anything other then making people think that I was a stupid little girl who could only copy work in order to produce anything that might've ever been considered worthwhile. And I didn't want anyone to think that! So DON'T accuse ME of plagiarism, because why on Earth would I do something I despise so? Besides, I gave credit to my cousins and friends who made it in the last chapter. They HAVE given me permission to use their old script, as by now, most of them don't really think or care too much about it, so they thought Why not? Not like we can do anything else with it. So PLEASE STOP accusing me of this dreadful sin. Okay? Because I am thoroughly sick of being thusly accused.

And on a sidenote, if there are anymore flames that still accuse me of being so unoriginal that I have to STEAL in order to post anything good, EVEN WHEN I have the permission of the original creators to use some of their work, your reviews WILL be erased/abused. Understood? Good. Now, I'm sorry that I have had to be like this --aka, such a bitch, as I am sure some of you are calling me right now for my little rant-- but I will NOT tolerate this. Besides, how many of you have ever been accused of taking whole passages out of a book for YOUR stories, hm? Even when it may only be coinsidences in your case, doesn't it just plain HURT?! SO WHY would you do that to me? Also, I know I may seem like I'm whiny right now, but this is a very serious issue for me.

So, for those of you who accused me, I would PLEASE ask for an apology. Or AT LEAST a sentence saying "Okay, I was a little out of bounds'. Any others that come in and try to flame me like that again, I will email you saying 'Please read the unbelievably long author's note at the top of the page for a proper explaination, otherwise go away and leave me alone, you accusatory squirrel-like person.' Is that understood? I really hope so.

ETA3 The story has been deleted, whether by the author or by ffn I cannot tell. At the time of deletion, I counted 13 reviews- 4 positive and 9 pointing out in pretty polite terms that plagiarism is not good.  The author's profile is still up along with her many many stories about Scooby Doo, so I don't think she was banned. How sad is it that this is as exciting as it gets in phandom?

ETA4: And now I can't find the author's profile or her scooby fic, so maybe she did get herself banned...

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