Title: A Town Called Original Sin
phantomreviewerFandom/s: Sherlock/Whitechapel Crossover
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Dr. John Watson, Harry Watson, Clara Watson, DI Joe Chandler, DS Ray Miles, DC Emerson Kent, DC Mansell, Dr. Caroline Llewellyn, miscellaneous original characters.
Pairings: Chandler/Kent
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Whitechapel and Sherlock belong to ITV and the BBC respectively.
Warnings: Murder, angst, heartbreak, violence, injury, a perchance for cliffhangers, character death.
Spoilers: Post- The Great Game for Sherlock, and Post- Series 2 (pre-series 3) for Whitechapel.
4492A/N: Title from Scouting For Girls' "Little Miss Naughty"
Summary: It wouldn't be a copy cat, if they didn't strike more than once.
"Breath, breath in, welcome to a town called original sin, breath, breath out, it's easy getting in, not so easy getting out."
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 (Interlude) Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Epilogue I Epilogue II "Cry, out loud, if you're in for a penny, you're in for a pound. Don't, don't pause, it's just another sad case, another lost cause."
Frances Coles Memorial Appeal 2011 is "an appeal to lay either a plaque or headstone to commemorate the burial site (currently unmarked) of 'Whitechapel Murder' victim Frances Coles, 1859-1891."
For more information on Frances Coles listen to the
Rippercast over on