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Comments 15

anonymous June 2 2012, 05:43:40 UTC
Just... *happy sigh*


lacebird June 2 2012, 08:42:15 UTC
This was beautiful.


yourebrilliant June 2 2012, 16:22:01 UTC
This was gorgeous. I loved that Blaine's wings changed, but that they didn't just become a regular colour and I enjoyed listening to the music while I was listening. Very nice and well done :D


fabrisse June 4 2012, 01:30:19 UTC
I loved Kurt owning a music store/coffee shop, and I was really glad that he brought out the best in Blaine, too.


theromanticnerd June 4 2012, 20:03:11 UTC
Rose, this fic is lovely! It was such a delight to read, I loved the universe you created, I loved how they were outcasts in such opposite ways, I loved their interactions, the idea for a musical coffee shop... And Blackbird was perfect <3 The song choices were excellent, too! And the blue wings, they were totally reflecting Kurt's eyes, they are so beautiful in my head :3

If there was one thing: the tenses were kind of all over the place. At the beginning, I was sure that this was written in present tense and sometimes past slipped in, and started to list all the slips, but they kept switching a lot! They even switched within paragraphs :) the last... fifth? I think is mostly in past tense, but when you have the time, I think you should double-check those shifty tenses ;)

This was a pretty, sweet story, thank you! And kudos to the artist, the picture looks so lovely, too! Helped me imagine the coffeeshop a lot :)


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