Untitled Firefly Drabble -- for wandereringray

May 01, 2006 19:04

Okay...not sure this is what you were looking for Katy, but this is what came out...

Fandom: Firefly
Setting: Post Serenity
Pairing: Well, she asked for Jayne/Kaylee or Jayne/River...it came out more like Kaylee/River, Jayne
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Mostly an excuse for sex...

Jayne came to a stop outside the engine room, bobbling the boxes in his arms as the sound of Kaylee’s voice floated out over the hum of Serenity’s engine. Something about the tone of it made him wonder what she was doing, and who she was with.

“Lower…yes…” There was giggling then, not just Kaylee’s. Jayne tried to peer in the crack that the warped door wouldn’t close since the damned boarding incident. He could see a hint of bare shoulder, a flash of reddish hair, and nothing more.

He knew engines made the little mechanic purr, hell, he’d dreamed about making her purr more than once. Never understand what she saw in the prissy doctor. Thinking about the doctor made him self conscious. He glanced around. As far as he knew the doctor was off in town with Zoe and Mal. That meant he was alone on the ship with Kaylee…and River.

His eyes widened at the thought and he put down his boxes, cause getting an eye on the two of those girls made him crazy. He sidled up to the door. Still couldn’t see nothing. Kaylee was in the corner nearest the door, he could just see her hand grasping the support near the gap. Her heard River’s higher pitched laugh, then saw her head pop up. “How’s that?”

“Don’t stop.” Kaylee said and Jayne could almost imagine her body arching up. He ducked down so that River wouldn’t see him, watching her tongue slip across her lower lip before she ducked down again.

Jayne exhaled and tried to keep it silent, but the sight made him hard and he could imagine those dark curls hiding her face as she put those pouty lips over Kaylee, licking and sucking while the pretty mechanic bucked. One finger slipping inside to stroke her inside while her tongue lapped at her clit. Jayne licked his lips and he inched closer, rewarded by the sight of River’s boots, pressed into the deck, pushing her forward.

“Here, let me.” Kaylee said and Jayne could hear them moving around, a zipper being pulled.

“Oh.” He found himself sitting, partly to avoid being seen, partly because his surprise had startled him.

“That tickles.” River said.

“It’s supposed to tickle. So as you know you’re doin’ it right.” Kaylee replied.

It suddenly got very quiet and Jayne leaned in closer trying to figure out why. The boot in his face was the answer, sending him sprawling in the corridor. He looked up to find Kaylee and River staring down at him.

River quirked her head to the side, then a slow smile spread across her face. She turned to Kaylee and whispered in his ear. “So, you like to watch?” Kaylee asked and Jayne turned white.

“No…well, yeah…who doesn’t…but I wasn’t…I-hey, I thought you were into the doctor.”

“Don’t’ change the subject.” River said, advancing on him. He backed away, scooting on his butt across the floor until he hit the wall. “You’ve been a bad, bad boy.”

“Maybe we should punish him?” Kaylee said, slipping an arm around the slighter frame of the younger girl.

“Hey, I didn’t see nothin’.” Jayne said, trying to stand up.

River slipped up to him and touched his face. “Liar. I can see what you saw.” She looked over her shoulder to Kaylee. We should take him to my room.” She was smiling when she turned back to Jayne, then pushed him. “Bad boy needs be taught a lesson.”

Jayne was caught between what he thought might be about to happen, and the bad, bad things that would happen if Mal or Simon caught them. He turned to look at the girls, but got River’s boot in his ass for the trouble. He sighed and came to a stop beside River’s door. The girls went in first, then River pulled him inside.

“These are the rules.” River sat him down in a chair which she turned to face the bed. The bed where Kaylee was sitting, slowly unbuttoning her shirt. “I’m going to show Kaylee what you were thinking. When I’m done, she’ll punish you.” She arranged his legs to her liking, then pulled his hands behind his back. “If you move, we stop.”

“Oh, man.” Jayne moaned. He was already hard enough that his pants were tented around his groin. He was glad they were loose.

River approached where Kaylee waited for her. “First he thought this.” She kissed Kaylee then, tentatively, slowly. Their lips lingered as River’s hands slipped inside Kaylee’s shirt and slowly circled her soft, pert breasts without exposing them. “Then this.” River kissed down Kaylee’s neck, onto her shoulders, her hands moving to cup Kaylee’s breasts, her thumbs brushing over the nipples.

Kaylee leaned into the touch, moaning a little as River’s fingers pricked her nipples, then her lips closed over her right breast, kissing away the bruise. Jayne was cursing in Chinese, and both girls glanced his way. He was squirming, but hadn’t actually moved.

River pushed Kaylee down onto her back and moved her legs, slipping a hand up under the skirt she had worn because Simon said he liked it. She liked this, knowing that both Kaylee and Jayne were at her command. “He got really excited when he thought I was doing this,” she said as she slid her body down and bunched up Kaylee’s skirt so that she could put her head between her thighs and licking her slit, already wet and begging for more. River slipped a finger in, just like Jayne wanted, knowing he couldn’t actually see it, but she heard him “Guh.”

Kaylee arched her back and River’s tongue found her clit, her lips closing over it and her tongue flicking over it as Kaylee panted and grabbed at the bedsheets. “Damn!” River turned to Jayne who was struggling with the not moving. His pants were wet where they were tented and his legs were dancing on the floor. “Damn!” River grinned evilly and Kaylee sat up on her elbows to look at him.

“Bad boy.” River said.

“Can’t sit still, can he?” Kaylee said.

“It’s a shame.” River agreed, pouting at Jayne as his hands came out from behind him and reached for his groin, too late to actually do anything about the cum oozing out of him.

He shot out of the chair, his hand holding his cock as he pushed his way out the door. “Where ya going, Jayne?” Kaylee called after him.

“I’ll be in my bunk,” he bellowed and she and River collapsed onto the bed in a fit of giggles.

When the fit had passed, Kaylee held the younger girl. “Tell me where’d ya learn to do that?”

River grinned, and brushed a hand over Kaylee’s breast, earning a sharp inhale. “There are advantages to being able to read minds,” she said. “Especially with this crew.”

“Wanna show me more?” Kaylee asked, her voice hopeful.

River responded by getting up to close the door. “We’ve got an hour or so before Simon gets back.”

character: river, femme slash, character: kaylee, character: jayne, fandom: firefly, pwp

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