
May 03, 2011 17:24

So I like linguistics, right. Except. When you look at books in the linguistics section, it's all about like grammar and proper language and shit. I know that stuff. I want books about, like, social linguistics. Is that a thing? The way people talk in different situations, the usage of particular words and phrases, how memes are spread, stuff like ( Read more... )

motherfucking books

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Comments 4

smirnoffmule May 3 2011, 06:58:04 UTC
Sociolinguistics is the thing that you are after :) I am eyebrow deep in work that I'm not supposed to stop doing right now, but if you want some recs, let me know what's of particular interest to you and I'll see what I can scrape up when I've got a minute (this my academic area, in case you didn't know and are wondering why the hell I think I'm helpful - not socio specifically, but I've stolen from it plenty)


lefaym May 3 2011, 10:22:41 UTC
Anthroplogical linguistics may also be helpful. That was one of the best classes I took as an undergrad.


shehasathree May 3 2011, 10:46:24 UTC
Sociolinguistics is definitely a thing. :)
I just got into a random conversation about it this evening with the student serving me at the uni library!

An Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Janet Holmes is pretty good - I used it for uni when I was studying Linguistics, and it has the addded bonus of being written by a New Zealander. :)


kwanboa May 3 2011, 11:26:53 UTC
Head for the Anthropology section. :)


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