Ficlet: Kris & Adam's Infinite Playlist | American Idol 8 RPF | Adultishy

Jun 05, 2009 20:39

Kris & Adam's Infinite Playlist

Fandom: American Idol RPF
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Rating: R

Notes: So quiet000001 requested a drabble in which, "Adam/Kris, some kind of AU where they're both single and Kris is bi." And I started to write. And then it got long. And now it's 1100 words and would take three comments to post, so instead it gets it's own little dealie.

Premise shamelessly stolen from Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist (the book, not the movie, which I haven't seen.)

They meet at a totally random ska show at Flamingo's, which isn't even Kris's usual scene because he's not really into the whole zoot suit-weird hats-loud brass-bad dancing thing, but The Slackers are worth putting up with all the non-punk ska poseurs because they're just that good. He's supposed to meet up with Vic, the lead singer, later to talk about production and maybe going up to New York to get in some studio time, and that's the only reason Kris is even there in the first place.

So it's totally random for him and Kris is pretty sure it's totally random for Adam, too, because Adam is so not the kind of guy who hangs out at Flamingo's on a Friday night listening to, okay, a really amazing ska band, but also putting up with the drunk moshing jerks in the crowd who just really want to hear 'International War Criminal' and won't stop shouting until Vic plays it or a bouncer drags their asses out of the club and tosses them out into the wilds of 6th Street with the rest of the drunk college kids. No, Adam is a completely different kind of guy. He's the kind of guy Kris thinks would be at exclusive and private house parties on Friday nights, parties where everyone dresses up in their best glam-raver-insane and you can't tell the boys from the girls and somehow, it doesn't matter because everyone is high on designer drugs anyway.

(Not that Kris has been to any parties like that. He's a strictly down-home kind of guy in that Austin kind of way, all, "Right on, man," and obscure band t-shirts and slightly baggy but not too baggy jeans; the occasional joint, but only from people he knows and trusts, but usually it's Lonestar and going to see his friends' bands and sometimes getting up on a stage himself with his guitar, hoping people aren't too busy trying to hook up that they don't listen, too, because he likes to think he's pretty good, even if there are a hundred other guys in Austin doing the same thing. So no, Kris hasn't been to any Adam sorts of parties, but he watches TV and he's seen Velvet Goldmine so yeah, he can imagine it pretty well. And in his imagination, Adam is the sort of guy that Maxwell Demon would snort lines of coke off of. Well, he's wearing glitter eyeshadow, anyway. To a ska show.)

What happens is, Kris is just standing at the bar, minding his own business, ordering a Banana Hammock from the cute rocker chick tending bar who reassures Kris that his drink will taste nothing like tequila and everything like bananas, and that's when Adam walks right up to him, settles a hand on Kris's shoulder and says, "I know this is going to sound really weird and fucked up, but I really need you to pretend to be my boyfriend for five minutes."

And before Kris can point out that he's not even gay and that he's actually never met this guy in his life,

(but if he were gay, Adam would be totally Kris's type, with his anime hair and ridiculous eyes and pale pale skin against a black leather jacket that's totally unnecessary in Austin, being that it's like at least eight-five degrees at all times)

Adam leans down and kisses him.

And this isn't your aunt Mable's I-haven't-seen-you-in-ages-how-much-can-I-embarrass-you kiss, either. It's not even a Jonas Brother Disney kind of kiss. It's like a full on, Angelina Jolie/Billy Bob Thorton from back when they were marrying each other five times a day and kept each others' blood in lockets around their necks kind of kiss. Adam's mouth is hot and soft and his tongue does this crazy thing that Kris can't even describe but makes him get an instant hard-on, and his fingers wrap around the back of Kris's neck in this possessive way that makes Kris just kind of melt or something. It's pretty much the best kiss Kris has ever had, and by the time Adam pulls away, Kris feels dazed and confused and like he wants to take this beautiful stranger home right now and let him do whatever he wants to Kris. Forget five minutes, Kris thinks, he'd give this guy at least five hours of boyfriend time, and even then, Kris isn't sure he'd want to give him up.

So, maybe a little gay. It's a sliding scale, or so his ex-girlfriend said. Right before she left him for another woman.

"I'm Adam," the guy says, reaching out and swiping his thumb across Kris's bottom lip with a half-smile. "My evil Super Ex just walked in with a guy I tried to hook up with last year who turned me down because he's absolutely far too fucking gorgeous for me--" Adam rolls his eyes at this, "--and so, you know, sorry about that but I had to save face, and you're the hottest guy in the room."

"Um, thanks," Kris says. Adam glances to the side and swears under his breath, "Fucking fuck!" which Kris somehow finds incredibly hot like he maybe wouldn't mind hearing Adam swear in other contexts, and when Kris looks over, there are two guys coming their way, one of them smirking and looking, Kris has to admit, pretty freaking evil. "Is that them?" Kris says.

"Yes. Fuck. Can you--do you mind? I would like, normally never do this. I want you to know I'm not one of those skeevy guys who pulls hideous lines at clubs on a regular basis or anything and you seem like a totally nice guy--really excellent kisser, by the way--and this is strictly an emergency-based skeeviness only, I totally--"

Kris shuts him up with his mouth, which pretty much answers Adam's question at the same time, and damn, Adam really is a fucking amazing kisser. Way better than Kris's Super Ex ever was, but that might be because of the whole lesbian thing. And, Kris is starting to think, maybe because of Kris being kinda gay, too. Maybe not just maybe, he thinks as Adam's hands wrap around his waist and pull him closer, until Kris can feel Adam's hard-on pressing against his thigh and it's totally not scary at all, but incredibly sexy and definitely hot and so, maybe not just maybe, but maybe definitely. Then Adam's Super Ex says in a shrill, unhappy voice, "Well I see someone has moved on," and Adam pulls away a little, just staring at Kris like Kris is some new kind of animal Adam has never encountered before, like possibly a liger or a tigon or something else only found in pictures on the internet, but he's fascinated and would really like to take Kris home and study him a little more. A lot more. Maybe Kris is projecting, but he absolutely hopes he's right.

"I think someone has," Adam agrees. He doesn't look at his Super Ex, and he doesn't let go of Kris, either.

And that's how they meet.

curves of your lips rewrite history, rps, idolfic, fic, *this* is american idol, homie ain't no hollaback boy, going to hell

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