So! There has been lots of TV on this week and I can barely keep up. In fact, I had to delete all the episodes of Jeopardy! I've been saving up to watch (shut up, yes, I tape Jeopardy! every day) so I could make room for the New Shit.
American Idol ie the most awkward plugging ever. )
Comments 28
Yeah, JC is just grumpy because Chris is so far away :P
I assumed Kate's Aaron is Claire's son. Either Claire dies on the island or she was left there and asked Kate to take Aaron with her when she left. Maybe the situation on the island (after Jack, Kate and the other 4 leave) is too dangerous and unstable, no place to raise a baby. Also, if the survivors left on the island are in a bad situation it could explain why Hurley (and eventually Jack) say they have to go back there (this happened in the flash forwards).
I think Jack thinks that Kate's baby is Sawyer's, that's why he doesn't want to see him. Perhaps Kate did get pregnant at one point but lost the baby and Jack is unaware of that. Or maybe Claire got off the island but died after the fact and left Aaron to Kate. There are so many scenarios. But Jack needs to know because he and Kate are destined for each other!!!!!! LOLZ
Oh and I believe Jack said there were 8 survivors when he was in the courtroom.
Finally, last night's SPN ep was a Ruby ep not Bella.
Originally, I thought Kate *was* pregnant and that's why she decided she needed to leave the island--so she and the baby didn't die horribly the way the Other Women all did. Hmmm. I guess we'll find out... SOME DAY :P
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I don't think SPN had much Bela in it. I caught a bit of it during the commercials as I was watching Lost - no Bela, but rather a lot of Ruby.
I like the Dean dying storyline, because it's nice and morbid and I have a kink for sick/dying/dead Dean and it leads to lots of good fic.
Ellen is a favorite of mine too.
I feel bad for not watching JC's show. It's just not terribly interesting to me. There's not enough JC on it.
I am just tired of the Dean dying storyline. I'm ready for something new. Like the gay sex storyline, please. I think I'd be more interested if I wasn't 100% sure that Dean is not going to die. There's no suspense in it for me.
Go JC! But I have yet to hear Li'l Mama say anything *useful* except 'be better'. Hmph.
I agree re: wishing a different group could've gone. I liked what Geo said about bringing dancing and dancers to the forefront. But I thought that BreakSk8 was very lamecakes this week, and deserved to go home over Iconic.
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