Drabbles! Mostly popslash, some CW RPS

Jun 01, 2007 09:02

I'm having issues with comment notification, so if I didn't write your request, let me know! I probably just didn't see it amid the people mocking notthequiettype for her new-found JoLa love. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.


for not_sally and hegemony: J2 take on Wincest

"I can't believe they actually asked you that." Jared grins and shakes his head, takes a long drink from his beer. "I mean, dude. Seriously. Why would they want to know?"

Jensen shrugs. "Fans are weird, man."

"Do you think they'd be freaked out if they knew about that alien mpreg siren sex pollen fic we wrote that one time?"

"That wasn't our fault," Jensen says grimly, and shudders. It was a really gross fic. Child birth is so disgusting, even when it's mystical alien child birth. "We were drunk. And Tom promised he'd write Clex, what else could we really do?"


for monotonygirl: Jared/Chad, giggles

The problem with smoking up, Jared thinks, is that he just can't stop laughing. Like, once he starts (and he always starts because Chad is fucking hilarious when he's high) it's pretty much impossible to stop.

So what happens is, Chad says something amazingly funny, or probably only mildly amusing but Jared is high so it's not like it matters, and then Jared starts laughing, and laughing, and laughing some more. He laughs so much that his stomach starts to cramp up and he's just clutching at it, whimpering a little inbetween giggles.

"For fuck's sake, Padalecki," Chad says, rolling his eyes. "I'm an amazingly funny guy, but I'm not that funny."

"I can't. Can't stop!" Jared gasps out.

"Huh," Chad says, and gets this look in his eyes like he has a plan. Chad's plans usually don't go well for Jared, like the time Jared ended up in a bathtub full of red jello and his ass was stained red for like, three days.

"Hmm," Chad says again, leans over, and kisses him.

Jared doesn't stop giggling, though.


for wendy: Jared/Jensen, cookies and other stuff

Jensen maybe has a tiny cookie addiction. Not like, that he's addicted to very small cookies, although that would probably be easier on his waistline, all things considered. Which Jared never fails to remind him of through such techniques as poking. And mocking. And rubbing his palms down Jensen's sides when they're fucking, when Jared is fucking him, which only makes Jensen squirm and twist away, until Jared grabs onto his hips and pushes in deeper.

So, Jensen maybe has a tiny cookie addiction, but so far, it's working out pretty well for him.


for nopsued: Justin/JC/Lynn: "You keep searching for somebody as good as your mother, and that's a losing battle."

JC likes to think of himself as open-minded and like, sexually free and stuff. He's pansexual. He's completely open and taboos are silly and created by a sexually repressed society that JC doesn't really like being a part of. On the other hand, incest is pretty gross. Not that Justin has ever admitted to wanting to do his mom or whatever, but it's pretty clear. He has that tattoo. JC has to put his hand over it when they're fucking because he can't come otherwise. It never fails to piss Justin off.

"She's my mom, JC. I love her!"

"I know. But, um. It's just... distracting. Yes. Distracting. It reminds me of her and she's not, um. Not to say she's not a lovely woman and all, but not my type, you know, so thinking about her when I'm, um, doing that is just. Weird. And gross."

"My mom isn't gross, dude. I'm like, really offended right now, okay? She's my MOM."

JC just stares at him. "I know. That's kind of my point."


And then wendy said: "Do you think JC comes up with all sorts of inventive ways to cover it while they're having sex? With his hand, with the sheet, making Justin leave his shirt on, the phone book he grabbed off the end table, etc."

"OW! What the fuck, JC?"

JC coughs discretely and shoves Justin's face into the pillow when he tries to look back. "It's, um. It's a game, J. You know, like, a sex game. It's totally sexy."

"Dude, since when are phone books sexy? You're such a freak."

JC presses down on the phone book and wishes it were just a tiny bit bigger. He can still see the edges of the wings on Justin's tattoo. He's the freak? JC thinks to himself. No, he's just doing what he has to to get by.


for turloughishere: Lance/AJ, broken sunglasses

Everywhere he goes lately, Lance sees AJ. AJ in his knit caps and sunglasses at night, which only makes Lance think about that song, JC's song and the whole alien masturbation thing, which really isn't something Lance wants to associate with AJ. Because AJ seems like an okay guy and all that, but Lance tries really hard not to think about his friends or acquaintances masturbating, aliens or not.

Which makes it especially frustrating when Lance walks into the bathroom at some club where they only seem to play Abba remixes and Britney to find AJ making out with some lame twink kid Lance is pretty sure he blew last week. Then again, all the twinks start to run together after a while, so he can't really be sure but the point is. The point is, AJ is there, making out with some guy, and he still has his fucking sunglasses on.

"Sorry," Lance says, loudly, and crosses his arms over his chest. The twink looks back at Lance and glares a little, says, "Fuck off, man, we're busy," but Lance isn't going anywhere so AJ just shrugs and pushes the kid away.

There's a moment here, Lance thinks--one of those decision moments where he could either turn around and walk away, or do something incredibly stupid like, say, pushing AJ Maclean into a bathroom stall and shoving his hand down AJ's pants. So there's that moment, but apparently Lance has lost his entire mind because suddenly he's blinking at AJ, his fingers wrapped around AJ's dick, grinding his own dick into AJ's thigh.

"Your sunglasses are broken," Lance says, gasping a little. AJ just smirks.

"You didn't have to be so rough. Now I have to get new ones, asshole."

"Fuck you," Lance says, and tightens his fingers around AJ's dick. AJ's hips jerk forward and he shudders a little, moans low in his throat. "You shouldn't wear them at night, anyway. It's so cliche."


for saucychit: Jensen/Chris Kane, jealousy

Chris isn't typically a jealous guy. In fact, he kind of prides himself on being cool and laidback and chill and shit, so it comes as sort of a shock--the rush of jealousy when he sees Jensen out of the corner of his eye, drinking and flirting with some chick's hand on his ass. On his ass, damnit, and Chris nearly stops playing because Jensen's ass belongs to HIM.

Later that night, after the show, after they've gone home and had maybe a few too many drinks and Jensen is spread out under him, gasping and arching all slow and hot when Chris pushes inside, just this side of rough--after all that, when they're lying side by side, the backs of their hands brushing because it's so fucking hot Chris doesn't think he could stand any more skin contact than just that, Chris thinks, Mine, and smiles.


for notthequiettype, who has submitted to the undeniable AWESOMENESS of popslash and requested JoLa, "I want Lance being really gay and saying watermelon."

The clubhouse is packed when JC leads him in, grinning over his shoulder and explaining, "We used to dance like this in basements back home." Lance just nods and thinks that this is more like an orgy than any kind of dance. He sees more breasts in the next five seconds than he's seen in the five years previous, and that's not necessarily a good thing. But the dancing is cool, intense and grinding and the music is great. It's all pretty sexy, he thinks, hefting his watermelon in his hands to get a firmer grasp. His mother would definitely not approve.

And then Lance sees him. Joey. Joey, still in his dance costume from earlier, from the showcase, shirt unbuttoned just so, looking flushed and happy, a drink in one hand and his dance partner wrapped around him. JC leads Lance straight over.

"Who's this?" Joey asks JC, taking a long pull from his beer and nodding at Lance. "This some resort kid, C? You're gonna traumatize him, bringing him here."

"This is Lance," JC says, shrugging. "But everyone calls him 'Baby.'"

Joey smirks and looks him up and down and Lance thinks, Christ, he's really sexy. "Baby, huh? Why don't you run home to Daddy, Baby?"

You could be my daddy, Lance thinks. "I carried a watermelon," he blurts out.

Joey laughs and walks away. JC grins at him and pats his back, says, "It's okay honey, he has that effect on everyone."

"I carried a watermelon?" Lance is an idiot, he decides. An idiot who is totally going to seduce Joey Fatone. Now, he just needs to learn how to dance.


for runzu who requested: Timbertrick with difficult buttons, belt buckles, and Justin bitching when his footwear is rudely thrown somewhere in the room?

"Dude!" Justin yells. "Dude, that's my SHOE." He stares mournfully across the room where his sneaker lies on its side, laces tangled. The toe probably got all scuffed where it hit the wall. Justin bites his lip and frowns, craning his neck to try to get a better look at the shoe. He really loves these sneakers. They're like, his favorite, aside from the Jordan's and the other ones, the blue striped ones. His third favorite, whatever. They're good sneakers and Chris shouldn't go around just tossing shoes at walls like they won't get damaged or--

"Hey, fuckwad," Chris says, pinching Justin's thigh. Hard. It really hurts. Like, a lot. It's almost enough to distract Justin from the sneaker incident. Justin looks down at Chris, frowning. Chris, on his knees, glaring at Justin's belt buckle like it just threw his favorite pair of sneakers across the room or raised Satan or something. Oh, right. Chris, on his knees. Because, right. Blowjobs and stuff. That they were supposed to be doing.

"I'm just saying," Justin says, "that like, you need to respect other people's property and shit. I don't go around throwing your dogs at walls or whatever."

"Dude, it's a fucking shoe," Chris says, and finally gets the belt buckle undone. He shoves Justin's jeans down and reaches for Justin's dick. "Now, are you gonna stop worrying about your fucking footwear and pay attention, or should I find someone else's dick to suck?"

"No," Justin says quickly. "No, I'll be good. Please." But as Chris's mouth closes over the head of his dick, Justin sees his shoe out of the corner of his eye and thinks, it better not be scuffed.


for sweetchacha who requested: "How about some JC/Lance...with Lance finally getting through to JC that yes, he really does want to be with Lance."

It's the blowjob that finally convinces him. The mind-blowing, ridiculously fantastic, best-blowjob-he's-ever-had blowjob that Lance pretty much forces on him, but really, JC isn't complaining. Because wow, Lance can really suck dick. Like, really really.

And then Lance does something with his tongue, some crazy flicking thing that JC is pretty sure must be physically impossible, and JC loses all train of thought. His hips stutter forward and Lance moans a little when JC's dick slides even further down his throat, which is like, even hotter than everything that came before and yeah, best blowjob ever.

"Lance," JC says, fingers in Lance's hair and he has to close his eyes because if he watches his dick in Lance's mouth, that's gonna be it. Well, it's pretty much over already, but still. Still. Lance has eyeliner on, still, from the show. It's too much and--

"Lance," JC says again, and comes. Comes in Lance's mouth. In Lance's mouth. It's like bizarro world. A bizarro world where Lance likes to suck JC's dick. JC likes it here. He thinks he'll stay.


for rikes who requested: JuC fluff, involving sun and kissing and cuddling and butterflies and music and that kind of things. :) And porn. You can never go wrong with porn.

JC likes to have sex outside, which is sort of a sore spot between him and Justin because, well, Justin has Issues. Justin doesn't like the outdoors. He doesn't like getting dirty and he's convinced that if they fuck outside, even on, like, lawn furniture or a really nice blanket or something, bugs will get on him. Bugs might get IN him, and then he'd probably never be able to have sex again, because yeah--EW.

But JC is also very convincing, and when he looks all sad and disappointed at Justin's disgusted "Fuck NO," Justin feels these little twinges of guilt. Which totally sucks because outside sex is nasty and the bugs, damnit, think of the BUGS, but then JC looks at him, says, "Come on, J. Please?" and he sounds so pathetic that Justin caves.

"Okay, but if anything gets in my ass, I'm blaming you," Justin says.

JC smiles brightly. "Dude, I fucking hope so."

And really, Justin thinks later, when he'd riding JC with the sun warm on his back and JC's hands sliding down his front, slipping around his dick to jerk him slow and lazy, JC's eyes blown wide and dazed--really, outdoor sex isn't so bad, after all. In fact, it's maybe kind of neat.


for madame_d: Lance/Justin, listening to new BSB songs.

"Well." Justin bites his lip and stares at the floor. "It's not, um. It's not bad, exactly."

Lance raises one eyebrow. "I know it doesn't mention anyone's ass, the way said asses bounce, or how awesome threesomes are," Lance pauses to roll his eyes, "but I kind of like it."

"I. Yeah, it's okay, I'm just. The beat is sort of. Not right." Justin humms a little, his knee jiggling up and down in a way that Lance has always found annoying. Right now it makes Lance want to kick Justin in the shins, but he refrains because Lance is civilized and a gentleman and doesn't go around beating people up. Usually. Not even when they really deserve it.

"The harmonies are nice, though," Lance says.

"Hmm. Yeah. I mean. Yeah."

"Just because not everyone is fixated on only harmonizing with themselves--"

"Lance. Come on, stop it."

Lance looks away, looks out the living room window at the city and doesn't say anything because he knows he'll regret it if he does. He knew last year when he decided to come out, he knew when he called Justin to ask if it was okay, when Justin brushed him off with a "it's your life, man, be happy" that it was over for good.

"Hey," Justin says, rests his hand on Lance's knee. He nudges Lance with his shoulder, scoots closer until he can put his arm around Lance's shoulders and squeeze. Lance sighs and gives in like he always does, because it's Justin and he can't say no to Justin, pretty much not ever. He gives in, leans his head on Justin's shoulder, let's Justin hold him.

"Just because that's over doesn't mean we are," Justin says. It's something he's said a hundred times before. Lance is still wondering when it'll feel real. 'Over' is such a nice, safe, side-stepping word.

"I know," Lance says. And maybe, he thinks. Maybe this time he does.

popslash, rps, fic, going to hell

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