Porn. Like I said.

Jun 07, 2006 16:33

I said there would be porn, and I don't welch on a promise. This is for danxsunday, and it is all his fault for linking me to this video for the UK promo of Supernatural in which Jared is WAY too hot for words, or my sanity.

Sandy McCoy's School of Social Reform: Save A Horse

Fandom: CWRPS
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: Porn
Disclaimer: Jensen owns Jared. The end.

Sandy McCoy is possibly the best girlfriend ever in the history of girlfriends. She's funny and sassy and she likes to eat, which makes it way easier to hang out with her because Jared can't stand those girls who sit there with a full plate in front of them and don't clean the fucking thing even though there are like, children starving to death in Africa with like, flies all over their faces who would kill for that Caesar salad or whatever. Jared knows. He went out with Misha Barton once, and when the girl wasn't snorting up coke by the handful in the bathroom, she was sitting there looking like she might die at any minute or like, just disappear altogether from that whole not eating thing she does.

But Sandy, she's awesome. She's so awesome they even tried to have sex once. It went something like this:

"Hey. HEY. We could like. Totally. I mean, yeah."

"Are we high enough for that shit, man? I dunno."

"Come on Sandy! It'll be fun. Like. Like an experiment. Scientific."

"Okay, but if this doesn't work you're making me a pie."


"…Jared. That's not the right-OW. Dude, no. OW!"

"Don't hit me! I'm trying to make you feel good, here."

"Well, you FAIL. Are you even hard?"

"A little. Okay, no. But just give me a minute."

"So you can think about BOYS? No. Dude, face it. You owe me PIE. Apple. None of this cherry shit."

They didn't try again, but Jared likes to think their relationship is that much stronger for it. Plus, Sandy is totally hot, even if Jared's dick doesn't seem to care, which has the added benefit of keeping other chicks off him and making the fans get all schmoopy over his great love. It pretty much rules on all sides, having Sandy around, and at least she's nice to look at. Only problem is, Jensen thinks so too.


The first time it happens, they're at the WB's official network party…thing…whatever they're calling it these days (and really 'party' is not the right word, because any event that involves having your picture taken a gillion times and being dressed and make upped and interviewed until you have to get wasted or die trying in no way resembles a party). Sandy comes along because she's the best girlfriend ever, mocks his shirt (and hey, he didn't choose the pink, damnit), says, "I'll be by the pudding", and wanders off.

"Dude," says Jensen, slinging one arm around Jared's shoulders and staring after her. "Your girlfriend's hot."

"I thought you liked blondes. And porn stars."

"You fucking kidding me, man? A, I have seen 'Wild Things 3', so don't talk to me about porn stars. B, I'll pretty much get on anyone as long as I'm getting off."

"Good to know you have standards, man. Sandy'll be so honored."


Then there's the time that Jared walks into his house with the groceries to find Jensen and Tommy on his couch, drinking his beer and drooling over a spread in Maxim. Sandy's spread in Maxim, which Jared personally thinks makes her look like a very greasy whore and way less pretty than she actually is, but whatever. Tommy and Jensen obviously do not share this opinion, and Jared can actually see Jensen getting hard in his jeans over that spread. That dickface.

"What the fuck, man?" Jared drops his groceries on the kitchen table, dodges the dogs and stands over the couch, trying to look as tall and menacing as possible which-not exactly hard since he's already a giant. He glares. He kicks Jensen in the shins for good measure.

"Dude," says Tommy, "your girlfriend is hot."

Jared grabs the magazine and flings it across the room. "Get out of my house, you fuckers."

"Hey now. Down boy. We were just looking." Jensen looks genuinely put out. He eyes the magazine from across the room where it landed, like he's actually considering getting up to get it.

"She's not a piece of meat." Jared glares some more, takes Jensen's beer (really, it's his beer that Jensen fucking came into his house and stole) from loose fingers and downs the remainder in several long swallows. Tommy smirks, and Jared kicks him, too. He doesn't even know Tommy that well. Fucking Jensen, coming into his house and ogling his girlfriend and bringing Tommy so he can ogle too. "She's a person, okay? Stop. You know. Looking at her like that."

"Huh," says Jensen with this sly look in his eyes, like he knows something even though he really really doesn't, because if he actually did, he wouldn't be sitting in Jared's living room drinking his beer and perving all over his girlfriend. He'd be far far away, maybe in Africa with the starving flies-on-their-faces kids, or at least extremely uncomfortable with the various ways in which Jared has imagined fucking him, several of which involve this very couch. Jensen confirms his lack of knowledge re: Jared's extremely active fantasy life when he says, "You really love her, don't you?"

"You sound surprised."

"He's just pissed off that he lost the bet. Pay up, loser. You owe me fifty." Tommy smiles vapidly and drinks his beer.


"He thought she was a beard. And I told him, I said, 'Jen, there is no way a girl that hot is a beard,' but he didn't listen. Never listens to me. He might be a little retarded, actually. 'S not his fault."


"Jared, stop being so fucking retarded," is what Sandy says when he explains the situation.

"He thinks you're hot," Jared complains, clutching the phone too tightly against his face. He'll have a mark and it'll look dumb and Jensen will make fun of him, but-"he keeps saying it."

"I am hot. Look Jared. You need to stop being such a pussy. If you like, want him, then fucking do something about it. I'm sick of hearing you bitch. Don't make me hang up on your pathetic ass."

"But. He's all. With the, 'Sandy is sooooo hot' and like. I don't want him I just-"

"Seriously, I'm going to hang up. You would probably murder babies to get Jensen Ackels to blow you. Don't be that person."

"The murdering babies person? 'Cause I really don't think-"

"The 'in denial like a fucking retard' person."

"Oh. That."

"Yeah, that. Look, what's the worst that can happen?"

"Um. He'll beat the shit out of me and tell everyone I'm a giant fag."

"He wouldn't be wrong."

"Dude, that's not helping."

"Neither is your defeatist attitude, Padalecki. Now stop talking to me and be a real man. Or get him drunk. You know, whatever."

Alcohol. Seriously, Sandy is like a fucking genius or something, and Jared will never doubt her powers of awesomeness again.


When it comes right down to it, getting Jensen drunk is probably the easiest thing Jared has done since this whole Supernatural thing started. Mainly because Jensen practically does all the work for him, but also because it doesn't involve running or jumping or getting thrown into walls, nothing more strenuous than pounding on the 'A' button for two minutes straight trying to beat the fucking Donkey Kong challenge in Mario Party.

God, he fucking loves this game.

"I can't believe you chose the Princess, dude," Jensen says, all slow and thick, because he's so wasted he's just staring at his controller like it's going to start playing for him. "That's so gay."

"Like Toad is so much better." Jared bites his lip in concentration and pounds on the button, leaning to the left like that might help him out or something.

"At least Toad doesn't giggle. Fuck. I'm druuuunk." Jensen says the word like it has ten syllables. "Why'd you let me drink so much."

"Maybe I wanted to get you drunk." Eyes firmly on the screen.

"So you can tell me about your big gay love for me and how much you want to suck my dick?"

"What?!" Jared doesn't like to think that he just shrieked, because that's totally girly, but he really just did.

"Dude, Sandy called me." Jensen edges over on the sofa, controller dangling in his fingers, knee pressing against Jared's thigh when he turns to face him. "Told me. Told me everything. "

Jared swallows and stares at the television and does not look at Jensen because he's pretty sure this is some sort of sick joke and the second he admits to anything, Tommy and Mike are going to jump out of the closet with like, fucking video cameras or something yelling about how they always knew he was a fag. Money will be exchanged and Jared will die spontaneously of embarrassment.

"She's just fucking with you, man," Jared tries. "Dude, it's your turn. And you're not fucking taking my star."

But Jensen doesn't seem to hear him, or maybe he's not as dumb as Jared thought, not that Jared really thought he was dumb, just, you know, too pretty to be any kind of smart, but apparently smart enough to spot Jared's bullshit a mile off, because Jensen leans over and kisses him.

And by 'kisses' Jared really means 'licks the corner of his mouth', which technically does not constitute a kiss, but it sure as fuck gets Jared hard in a blinding second. Jared makes a noise which certainly in no way resembles a squeak (dude, you totally squeaked, just like a fucking girl man, Jensen tries to tell him later, but whatever) and drops his controller on the floor.

"She didn't really call you, did she?" Jared's voice is very small. He feels fucking tiny, which is ridiculous because he is a giant of a man, way taller than Jensen, who he refuses to look at because, hey, shoes are really interesting. They have like, laces and things, and that's really, um, interesting, and way better than looking at Jensen, because he's pretty sure if he looks at Jensen he's going to throw up or maybe kiss him, and then the whole thing with the guys in the closet and the cameras will happen, which-no.

"She really did," Jensen says, and slides off the couch to kneel between Jared's knees, which totally blocks his view of his shoes, damnit, and instead he has to look at Jensen, who is way too pretty for his own good and he fucking knows it too, all licking his lips like he wants… like something that Jared is definitely not thinking about at all, thanks.

"What did she say?" Jared's not sure he wants to know. And then Jensen does this thing, where he slides his palms up the insides of Jared's thighs and dear god, just goes right ahead and cups Jared's dick through his jeans, and Jared figures he probably doesn't need to know because. Jensen's hand is on his dick. Jensen's hand. Is on his dick. Jared's whole body does this flailing, jerking thing and he moans, and really he doesn't even care what Sandy (that little bitch) said. Instead he fists Jensen's t-shirt and pulls him up, practically onto Jared's lap, and fuck it, if Tommy and Mike are in the closet than he doesn't even fucking care, they can sell the footage to Defamer and he couldn't give a shit because he's kissing Jensen, damnit, and nothing's going to stop him.

Sandy is right, it's time to be a man about it.

And then Jensen's lips are on his and it's rough and Jared can feel Jensen's stubble scratching up his cheek but he doesn't care about that either because Jensen kisses like a maniac, like he's never going to get to kiss another person again so he better put everything he has into it, all hot tongue pushing into Jared's mouth, teeth scraping on his bottom lip, fingers of one hand fisted in Jared's hair (thank god he didn't cut it like his momma begged and pleaded for him to do) while the other one fumbles with his zipper, knuckles brushing the hard line of Jared's dick through his jeans.

"Fuuuuck," Jensen groans against his lips, just like he says 'drunk,' like it's got too many syllables and really, Jensen is wearing way too much clothing. The shirt, for example, is completely unnecessary, which is what Jared tells him when he yanks it over Jensen's head and tosses it across the room. It's at that point that Jensen gives up the whole kneeling thing and just crawls right into Jared's lap which, okay, so his thighs are going to be totally numb but who fucking cares because Jensen is right there with his hand in Jared's pants and his fingers wrapping around Jared's dick and it's the most perfect thing Jared has ever felt, up until the moment Jensen pushes Jared's jeans down as low as they'll go and pulls his dick out, so he can really go at it. And damn, Jensen is good at this, his palm hot and tight and he does this twisting thing at the end that makes Jared's hips thrust up, only Jensen's sitting on him so they don't actually go anywhere but Jensen laughs against Jared's neck anyway, says, "Save a horse, ride a cowboy," and man, he really is drunk if he's pulling out lines like that.

And Jared, he's so fucking hard it's ridiculous, he can't think, can't do anything but clutch at things: the arm of the sofa, Jensen's hips, his wrist, trying to make him go faster, harder, now. Jensen just swears against his neck and bites down, hard, and that's it, Jared's coming over Jensen's fingers, hands opening and closing helplessly against the too-smooth leather of the couch. Jensen just stares at him, eyes glazed and pupils blown wide, like he can't believe he just did that but damn, he's glad he did.

"Up," Jared says, but he doesn't wait for Jensen to obey, just pushes at him until Jensen's standing in front of him, looking dazed and breathing hard, like he just ran a race instead of jerking Jared off. Jared doesn't stop to think, because thinking has never done him any favors, just confuses him is all and the last thing he's confused about is how much he wants Jensen's dick in his mouth like, yesterday. So he doesn't stop to think, just leans forward and mouths Jensen's cock through his jeans, and damn, he can feel how hot it is through the layers.

"Fucking… Christ, Jared. Just do it." Jensen pushes Jared back, fumbles with his own zipper until his dick is in his hand and fuck, Jared doesn't think he's ever seen anything so hot at Jensen stroking himself. Not even Sandy's Maxim spread, or maybe especially not Sandy's Maxim spread, but then Jared forgets all about Sandy and the fact of her existence because Jensen is wrapping his free hand around Jared's neck and pulling him forward, pressing his dick against Jared's lips until Jared opens up and finally, fucking finally.

And okay, so it's not like Jared is the master of sucking dick. He's only done it three times, actually, and one of those didn't count because he was so high he only knows it happened because Chad took a picture, that fucking bitchface, that he uses to threaten Jared with whenever it looks like Jared might win at Pro Skater. So like, yeah, Jared's not exactly an expert at this but he fucking loves it, loves the feel of Jensen on his tongue, heavy and hot, the way he thrusts and gasps just a little when Jared tightens his lips and sucks, the way his fingers yank at Jared's hair when Jared swallows around him. It's the best fucking thing in the world, actually, and Jared can feel himself getting hard again just from this, from the sound of Jensen cursing and the way he's looking down at Jared, mouth open and lips bitten red, the way he spreads his fingers over Jared's cheek so he can feel himself in Jared's mouth.

It's the best fucking thing ever, and seriously? Sandy is the best girlfriend ever in the history of girlfriends, and Jared thinks that he might love her.

rps, project mayhem, fic, going to hell

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