Title: Visitation--A Bitstrip
Creator: pgrabia
Disclaimer: House MD and its characters don't belong to me, though I wish they did. I'm just borrowing them for non-profit entertainment.
Characters/Pairings: G. House, J. Wilson, Amber/ House-Wilson slash
Genres: Sick!Wilson; supernatural/AU
Rating: G
Spoilers/Warnings: General spoilers for all
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Comments 7
Only Bitstrips seems to be "down" right now -- I'm having a problem with a big white box covering everything and unable to move or delete it ... :(
Fantastic job.
PS I also like the way you "dressed" Amber better than what they had her wear in Everybody dies.
The graphics are also impressive, particularly the tiny hint of sleeping!House behind Wilson - it's so sweet to see him sleep facing his lover.
I had him facing the viewer so you knew it was House and you knew he was sleeping. This is an unwritten scene in "Once Bitten" where the narration speaks of House and Wilson's first lovemaking--this happens in the middle of the night after that, before they head for Arizona. It is sweet to have him facing Wilson, though, isn't it? I would think sleeping on his left side would be easier on him than sleeping on his right side where his weight would be pushing down on his bad leg all night.
I think Amber would be happy for Wilson if he found happiness with House. If you love someone, you want them to know happiness. I also think she would give Wilson what for about his refusal to do any more chemo.
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