Part 1

Oct 01, 2010 19:31

Title: Our Life

Rating: PG-13

Warning: this chapter mentions a child being abused.

Disclaimer: I own the idea for the story not the characters. I own Jack unfortunately. I also own Chloe. I like her not Jack.

A/N: This is a sequel to I Truly Love you. U hope you like it. I know people are looking for a pezberry wedding. I might take care of that in Flashbacks. I also might just write a fanfic for between these to stories. I haven’t decided yet.

Part 1:

Bored. I am at another lecture. If I had known that becoming a psychiatrist would mean going to so many lectures I’m not sure I would have gone through with it. Of course the fact that I work with the police department might have something to do with that.

It’s been crazy since I graduated high school. Rachel and I got married. Rachel is currently working on Broadway. She got her dream job as Elphaba in a Wicked reprisal. I loved watching her up there on stage opening night doing exactly what she was meant to do.

I graduated with my PhD four years ago. The police department offered me a job right after. They were impressed by the work I did when I interned with their other resident psychiatrist. Most days I love my job and the feeling that I’m making a difference.

Britt and Quinn live in an apartment a block away. B teaches dance as well as performs for a company. Q is working as a social worker. Beth is twelve years old and very much Q’s daughter. She is all blonde hair, hazel eyes and attitude. Puck is completely wrapped around her finger.

I look at me watch and sigh. I still have ten minutes before I’m allowed to leave. I can’t wait to get home. Rachel has the night off and I have huge news to share.

Finally we’re allowed to leave. I see some of my colleagues coming towards me out of the corner of my eye. I speed up my steps when I recognize one of them as Jack. Jack is a homophobic ass who can’t accept that I would rather be with a woman then him. I barely escape from the building and to my car.

I let out a sigh once I’ve closed the car door, turned on the engine and pulled out. I’m not about to let some idiot ruin this day for me. I quickly send a text to Q letting her know I’m on my way home. She promised to help me set up the before Rach gets home. She is currently out shopping with B and minie B. While Q and I set up those two are supposed to distract her.

I stop on my way home to get supplies for tonight. I’m smiling as I drive home. My smile disappears and I start to frown in confusion when I see cop cars and an ambulance around my building. I get out of my car and walk toward all the chaos. I see one of the cops I know. When he sees me he walks forward, a pained expression on his face.

“What’s going on?” I ask. He doesn’t respond, just pulls me behind the tape and leads me to the ambulance. I see Quinn starting to get in before she notices me and stops. “Q? What’s going on?” She just shakes her head and pushes me into the ambulance. I freeze at the image. Rachel is lying on the gurney with a breathing mask over her face and covered in blood. I close my eyes and try to make it all disappear.

Someone is shaking me. I open my eyes and find myself surrounded by darkness. I slowly realize that I’m lying down on my and Rachel’s bed. I look to where a small hand is rubbing my shoulder.

“Rachel?” I’m just barely able to make out her face when the small hand on my shoulder moves to my face to wipe away tears I hadn’t realize had fallen. She pulls me into her arms and I sigh as the warmth of her body spreads through my cold one.

“Shhhh. It’s okay. I’m right here.” She is whispering against my temple and I burry myself further into her. I’ve been plagued with these nightmares almost every week for the last four months. I get home and Rachel is being rushed to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her chest and soaked in more body then any one person should be able to hold. “He can’t get me and worrying like this isn’t healthy for you or the baby.” She finishes her sentence by placing one hand on my baby bump. I’m five months and starting to show more and more every day. I think I look fat, but Rachel says I’m more beautiful than ever. Something about glowing or whatever.

I know she is right about me worrying. I need to try and calm down for both myself and our child. It’s hard though. Four months ago I found out that the invitro worked and that I was pregnant. That same day I also found out that Dave Karofsky had just been released earlier then he was supposed to even considered being thanks to overcrowding and good behavior. Ever since we found out I’ve had been having these nightmares about him finding us, coming to our apartment and killing Rachel. Rach is always there to wake me up and assure me that it wasn’t real.

I feel a gentle kiss on my forehead. I know that Rachel is just as sacred as I am, she is just better at hiding it. That and she refuses to let fear rule her life. I try and do the same, but all the damn pregnancy hormones are making it hard. It’s no wonder Q was crying all the time. These things amplify everything.

Rach is holding me tightly against her. My head is buried in the crook of her neck as I lay on my side. Her hand is playing with my hair and lulling me back to sleep. Between the sounds of her heartbeat and voice singing softly I drift off to sleep.

I groan as I hear the alarm go off. I could have sworn that I just closed my eyes. I pull a pillow over my head as the warm body next to me pulls away to make the noise stop. I remove the pillow only to blink at the dim light. I feel the bed move and turn to watch as my beautiful wife moves to the bathroom.

I hear as she turns on the water. I turn to the clock and sigh. I force myself to sit up. I’m still blinking sleepily as move on autopilot. Rachel left the light on when she got up. She does that to make sure I don’t trip and cause our child irreparable damage. Her words not mine. Ever since we found out I’m pregnant she has been over protective.

I stumble to the kitchen to turn on the kettle for Rachel. She drinks tea. I can’t stand the stuff, but she loves it. She has tried to get me to drink it, but that’s not happening. I would be drinking coffee, but I can’t anymore because once again I’m pregnant. I can’t even sneak a sip without Rachel knowing. I stopped trying. She is right, it’s bad for the baby.

I’ve already got Rachel’s fruit and tea as well as my orange juice and biscuits with sausage gravy when Rachel comes out of the bedroom in a pare of jeans and one of my old t-shirts. I smile at how backwards this all seems. In high school I would have put money on Rachel being the more domesticated of the two of us, but here I am doing all the cooking and in general playing more of the working house-wife role. Rachel is better at planning so she deals with the bills. Q makes sure to tease me relentlessly.

Q cooks and deals with the bills. B does most of the cleaning. B, like Rachel, is allowed nowhere near the kitchen, for exactly the same reason. Although, Rach is at least allowed near our washer and dryer. I’m still not quite clear on what happened to get B banned from them.

I finish my food, beyond grateful that I’m over the morning sickness and only have to deal with the weird cravings at stupid’ o’clock in the morning. I get up to get ready for work. Q will be here soon to pick me up. Q’s building is right next to the precinct so we carpool since we only live a block from each other.

Rach is with Q, waiting in the kitchen when I come out of our bedroom. She is heading to the teen center she volunteers at every Tuesday and Thursday. After that she will head to the theatre to get ready for her show. She should be done around six tonight. We are having dinner at Q and B’s. Q is finally going to propose and wants us there. Beth has been bouncing off the walls trying to keep it a secret.

Rachel kisses my cheek as Q watches with a grin. “Shut up Fabray.” I growl and hit her on the shoulder. “You’re just as bad.” Quinn is laughing at me at this point. I just roll my eyes and give my wife her own kiss goodby.

*Hours Later*

It’s days like these I hate my job. I had to ascertain whether or not a mother, who physically and sexually abused her five year old daughter, was mentally compentent enough to understand what she did. I wished with all my heart I could have said yes and sent her to jail. The truth is that she should have been in a facility where there are professionals to take care of her.

The little girl is the sweetest child you could ever meet. Q is with her now. I recommended that she be the social worker to take her case. I’m heading over to see what’s going to happen to her. I see things like this every day, but something about this little girl is different, is special.

I smile at the little girl who is sitting quietly at a table drawing. She gives me a shy smile back then continues with her picture. I walk over to Q who nods at me.

“What is going to happen to her?” I ask quietly, not wanting the kid to hear me.

“She has no family. They’re all dead. We’re trying to find a foster family. So far no luck.” Q sighs as watches the girl grab a blue crayon.

“I could take her.” The words are out before I realize I’ve said them. Rachel and I registered as foster parents so we could watch over Minnie B if something bad ever happened.

“Are you sure?” Quinn is looking at me as if she is trying to figure it all out. “What about Rach?”

“She’ll understand. Besides I have to do this. Something about this girl is calling to me.” Q is still looking at me, debating wat to do. Finally she just nods.

“It looks like I’ll be making a place for one more tonight.” She leaves to get all the paperwork together as I walk over and sit down next to the girl I’ll be taking in for a while.

“Hey Chloe.” I smile at the little girl. She is small for five. She has long black hair and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. They’re darker then B’s. Her skin has the same olive that Rachel possesses.

Chloe looks at me with her big sad blue eyes and shy smile. “Hi Dr. Lopez.” Her voice is so small and meek. It makes me think of Rachel’s when shes sick. “What’s going to happen to me?” My heart breaks at her question. I don’t know it it’s the pregnancy hormones or my natural protectiveness; I just know I have to keep her safe.

I give what I hope is a reassuring smile. “You’ll be coming home with me. If that’s okay.” I get another shy smile and a nod before telling her I have to fill out some paperwork and then we would head out.

I head to Q’s actually office and call Rachel to let her know what’s happening. As I thought she completely understands. I call my boss after I get off the phone with Rachel and explain that I’m going to need a week off and why. Since I never use my vacation days and he has been begging me to for a while he is more than happy to give me the time. By the time I’m done with my phone calls Q has all the paperwork ready to be signed.

“Hey sweetie, are you ready to get out of here” The girl nods and gives a little wave to Q. “I’ll see you tonight.” I whisper as I give Quinn a quick hug. She nods and gives a smile to Chloe. We are out the door and hailing a cab. I already have everything I need from my office and Chloe didn’t have anything but the clothes on her back.

I decide to take Chloe shopping so that she’ll have some more clothes and stuff. Chloe becomes even shyer and is slightly hiding behind me as we walk around. I don’t think she has ever been to a store before. She is looking more than a little overwhelmed.

I try and reassure her as much as I can. I do manage to get her to pick some stuff out. I can’t help but chuckle to myself at the way her eyes light up at some purple pajamas with gold stars all over them. I can’t wait until she sees the room she’ll be staying in. I wouldn’t let Rachel decorate our room with them, so she put gold stars all over the guest room. The walls are bordered and the sheets, comforter, and pillows are patterned with them. I can still hear Q’s laughter when she saw it.

I took Chloe to a late lunch and then took her to what would be her new home for a while. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is open in a silent wow when she sees the apartment. She is too adorable with her reactions. I can’t wait for Rachel to meet her.

I show her where everything is. When we get to her room she is already overwhelmed. I have to keep reminding myself that she is five, she is coming from a situation in which she had nothing and isn’t used to luxuries such as beds and couches. I also have to rimnd myself that her mom was mentally handicapped and didn’t know what she was doing. It still pisses me off. This little girl is so sweet and is just now discovering what I have taken granted of my entire life.

I set her bags on the bed and ask if she wants to get cleaned up. The look that she gets on her face breaks my heart all over again. I reassure her that no one is going to hurt her, that I just thought she might want to wash up and try on some of her new clothes. That seemed to calm her down a bit. I know Rachel and I will both have to be careful. She has already been through so much and has so much to heal from.

Chloe is only five, but she is very much capable of taking care of herself. She only needed my help with her hair. I was more than happy to help. I had just finished brushing the last of the tangles when Rachel comes in. I watch as Chloe stands up. Rachel smiles and held out her hand.

“Hi there. My name is Rachel. What’s your name?’ Rachel’s voice is soft. I don’t know what it is, but Rach has always put any child she comes into contact at ease. From what I can tell of Chloe’s body language, she is no different.

“Chloe,” Her voice is small and shy. Her hand is so small, even compared to Rachel’s.

Rachel reaches behind her. She has a bag that she hands to Chloe. The little girl looks at me before opening it. Her eyes go immediately light up as pulls out a stuffed teddy bear wearing a cape with gold stars all over it. “I thought you could use a friend and gold stars are kinda my thing.”

“Mine too,” Chloe blurts out excitedly, before blushing. Rachel just grins at how adorable she is.

Chloe holds onto the bear with no intention of ever letting go. I can tell that that makes Rachel happy. She always loves when people like her presents.

After Rachel goes and gets ready, the three of us are on our way to Q and B’s. We get to the door of their apartment and knock. The door is immediately thrown open by a very excited pre-teen. The blonde stops in her tracks as she sees the little girl clutching onto her bear.

“Hi there. My name is Beth.” The blonde steps aside to let us in, the whole time her attention on the little girl with us.

“I’m Chloe.” Chloe is hiding slightly behind my leg as she watches the older girl.

“It’s nice to meet you Chloe. Would you like to come play with me?” I can tell that minnie B has already been informed about Chloe and is trying to put her at ease. Chloe’s eyes widen before she nods. I wonder if she has ever had someone to play with before. The blonde is pulling Chloe with her to her room talking about all the things they can do. Chloe allows herself to be dragged away and nods her head so often.

Rachel and I walk to the kitchen to find a panicking Quinn running around with her head cut off. Rachel automatically takes charge having me take over the cooking and sending Q to get ready while she sets the table. Quinn comes back ten minutes later calmer and determined. B gets home not long after we’ve set the food and everything up.

Beth is in the living room with Chloe by then. We introduce Chloe to B, silently promising to explain later, before sitting down to eat.  All through dinner Quinn fidgets with nervousness and Beth bounces with excitement. Chloe eats quietly taking everything in. Rachel is bouncing as much as Beth which has me chuckling and B eats and talks about her day completely oblivious.

After dessert, Minnie B drags Chole to the living room and hides behind the wall leading to the kitchen. Rachel drags me to the kitchen for the same reason. All four of us watch as Q fumbles with words before just pulling out the ring. Britt has tears in her eyes as she hugs and kisses Quinn. Beth is jumping up and down and hugging her moms. Rachel is hugging them as well. Chloe just looks confused. I hug my best friends. Half an hour later Rachel, Chloe and I going home and leaving the newly engaged couple and their daughter in peace.

We get home and everyone gets ready for bed. Chloe is wearing her brand new star pajamas. Rachel’s eyes light up when she sees them. We tuck Chloe into bed and go to our own, the both of us exhausted. It’s only nine but it’s been a long day.

I wake up a few hours later to the sounds of crying. I look over to see Rachel gone. I get up and walk to Chloe’s room to find the light on and my wife inside holding the crying child. She is rocking her and I watch as slowly the girl calms down and relaxes in Rachel’s arms. The whole time Rachel is whispering words of reassurance. I watch as Chloe’s eyes slowly close and she falls back asleep.

Rachel gets up and starts a bit when she realizes I’m at the door. I put a finger to my mouth before we both head back to our room. I look at her and tilt my head in question.

“I woke up to crying expecting to find you having another nightmare. When I saw that you were still asleep I went to check on Chloe. She was sobbing.” Rachel has tears of her own as she looks at me. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so heartbreaking. It’s going to take a while before she heals, How can a mother, no matter their mental state, do that to their child.”

I shake my head and kiss her cheek. I can’t help but be glad that Rachel was there to help Chloe through her nightmare like she always is for mine.

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