Umm... UK folks, this is a *serious* problem, right?

May 12, 2010 20:35

Heya, folks! Long-time no-see, eh? This post is for UK folks (or for that matter other interested parties who fancy sticking their oar in - I can hardly complain what with my American Politics fixation now, can I?)

Okay, I will try to keep this brief, but I think that we have a really genuinely serious problem. I haven't been around much of the ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

my_daroga May 12 2010, 21:32:36 UTC
I confess, I know shamefully little about the UK political system, though sadly more than most Americans. So thank you for the links, especially the second: part of me, honestly, is still a little astonished at the difference between UK and US "conservatism." I'm also a little fuzzy on the coalition business, as it is strange for me to think about the different sides vying for the favor of the third party. I don't know how I feel about that, exactly.

As for the no-confidence thing, it definitely leaves a bad taste in my mouth especially as a sort of first-move thing. Not that I'd feel better about someone winning me over slowly and then announcing he had abolished term limits or something, and I realize that with the compromise these things are all coming out up front and at the beginning, but yes. It's troublesome. I'll be watching, for sure.

And mostly I'm commenting to say hello. Hello! I am sorry about your political woes. I hope there's some good news soon.


petulans May 12 2010, 22:19:57 UTC
No probs - to be honest, I probably know more about the US system myself!

Indeed, I often see people on US political web-site saying that the Conservatives over here are somewhere to the left of your average (or on some issues pretty much all) Democrat. Still, I'm not 100% sure that this is an accurate synopsis - I think that in part it's simply due to many of the US positions being simply unacceptable over here - if they could get away with being further right on several issues, many Tory MPs would likely do so (cf. Maggie Thatcher being rather to the right of Reagan on ideological terms in some respects.)

Thanks for the well-wishing and hello - and the very same back to yourself!


my_daroga May 12 2010, 22:33:05 UTC
I don't think it's an entirely accurate synopsis either, but partially I suspect it's because there's not a 1:1 match-up of specific positions. The line probably isn't just in a different place, it's probably jagged (like congressional districts in Texas--haha, US politics!). And yes, me despairing that I can't find anyone liberal enough to vote for doesn't change the fact that the UK seems to be moving in an unpleasant direction.


petulans May 12 2010, 23:43:39 UTC
Yeah, can't say I envy you your political choices over there (or from what I hear, your police force when it comes to Seattle - this most recent case seems just one more in an increasingly long line of seriously vile incidents!)


obstinatrix May 12 2010, 21:48:14 UTC
I would like to say something informed and thoughtful to this post, but mostly all I have is:

D: D: D: D: D: D:

Yes. This is...not good. It does not bode well. Is it time for a Nazi Germany comment yet?

I am also wondering what the hell your icon is. Disappointed (presumably cumbersome) dildo in a santa hat, what do you mean?


petulans May 12 2010, 22:27:10 UTC
This is sadly my reaction as well, just more verbosely (there's a reason my comment links talk about "purple prose"! Also, as I believe you're becoming aware, it's always time for a Nazi Germany comment in this household!

*Facepalms* Ummm... well, it was originally supposed to be a cucumber hence the punny text. The santa hat is due to the whole not having been on LJ much since Christmas many moons ago, when I'd re-done a whole load of my icons with such hats and the like which I haven't got around to fixing. As for why it's a cucumber in the first place... err... would you believe it's a reference to Lucius/Voldemort/Cucumber squick fic wot I wrote?


obstinatrix May 12 2010, 22:31:11 UTC
...sorry, I think I am a little hung up on Lucius/Voldemort/Cucumber. That deserves some D: D: D: of its own. o.O


petulans May 12 2010, 23:58:49 UTC
Hey! It was a tale of epic and t00by lurve - poor Elijah the Cucumber, caught between The Wrath of Voldie-pants and Lucius's terrible devotion. Sadly, whilst it was meant to be a multi-part fic, I never got around to part two, and thus the neither Dobby's radish anal-beads nor Draco's army of drone pubic lice got the attention they deserved!

I firmly refute any suggestions that the lack of follow-up was due to death threats from f'listers!


titanic_days May 12 2010, 22:11:09 UTC
I'm not sure at this point that it would get to a point where people would sic no confidence votes on one another tit-for-tat - how often do we actually see no confidence votes in parliament? They're not frequent things, are they ( ... )


ext_188545 May 12 2010, 22:38:00 UTC
Hi stranger! A confidence motion can be many different things, partly because we have an unwritten constitution \o/

The Queen's Speech is traditionally a confidence motion. So is a supply vote (i.e., the Finance Bill, i.e., The Budget) and, slightly more fuzzily, anything on which a Government had a General Election pledge.



petulans May 12 2010, 23:22:23 UTC
Oh, absolutely, to my understanding it's not (currently and hopefully will remain thus) a measure taken lightly or to score cheap political points - heck, the press would dogpile on any party that used it frequently or inappropriately (or possibly at all simply depending on bias!) However, it still remains a useful, actually vital tool in the parliamentary procedures toolbox. Still, according to Wiki, it has been used 23 times since the war, though only successfully in 1979 ( ... )


ext_188545 May 12 2010, 22:28:51 UTC
I just made this the first in a series of Con-Dem-Nation posts over on my Dreamwidth journal. You might find it useful. Also, pie charts! Who doesn't like a good pie chart?


petulans May 12 2010, 23:38:16 UTC
Thanks - pie charts are indeed always, as I believe the appropriate vernacular goes, of the good!

I'm still not 100% sure what to make of how it'll game-out and am worried about the odd possibility for it to result in greater instability/uncertainty under some scenarios which is itself slightly amusing given that it's being billed as a measure to avoid that. Still above all, I'm also amazed at the lack of coverage - I'd agree with you that it's one of the most fundamental/significant aspects of the coalition pact but has thus far barely been mentioned in the media. Hopefully this will change.

Interesting times, indeed.


ellie_elephant May 13 2010, 05:06:47 UTC
First off, hello again :) Nice to see you back on LJ.

I am ashamed to say that I don't understand the British political system at all, but I really should since I live here now. What I and the rest of Europe are kind of appalled at is that the British even let this election count when thousands of people were unable to because of bad organisation at the polling stations. Undemocratic much?


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