No one tagged me, I just wanted to do it as an exercise in listmania. XD Not a very good one, as it turns out - top 10 would've been more accurate. Also, I favour stuff written after 2004. I have to keep moving. LIKE A SHARK.
Flor de Yemanjá [Prince of Tennis]: By way of unreasonable emotional attachment, which I figure is the point of the exercise. This and
A Proof by Contradiction are the two best ending scenes I've ever written, I think. I'm usually very bad at endings, if I manage to arrive there at all. Also, funniest line of 2004.
You Shimmer Like Words I Barely Hear [Mirage of Blaze]: All the MoB pieces are intensely personal, but this one is unfinished, so there's still that umbilical connection. Um... I just realized I never uploaded
At Most, Flowers to my website.
mithrigil had a post some time ago where she talked about writing fic as symphonic composition. One rises to the extent of one's native ability: I write fic as mixtape. XD; How about that
German ambient goth jazz, guys.
High Rise [Viewfinder]: IMHO the one VF fic of mine that comes close to capturing Yamane Ayano's ineffable genius. XD I mean the others are all very well but. Also, funniest line of 2005.
Halcyon [Yukikaze]: I associate this story with "A Proof...", for obvious reasons, and in the end I think I like it better. Probably because it's more pretentious personal ahaha. Half of the thing is really me talking to myself, trying to integrate conflicting canons and falling back on wildly extratextual references (it's the one story I've written in recent years that needs a DVD commentary, although it's much more cohesive than I thought it was when I wrote it). The other half is Jack, who in fact is one of my most vivid... muses, I guess. Some characters speak, and one transcribes as best as one can; others make one grope in the dark, and every sentence is trial-and-error. Then there are characters one delivers with total inner conviction, wrongheaded or not, the way one vouches for how a very close friend takes their coffee. Jack is one of the last, for me.
Also I think it's well-written. XD There's no filler, every sentence gives me a sense of job satisfaction.
Senza Fine [JoJo]: I'm going to start posting this here, although I think everyone who cares has already read it. XD Time will tell if it's any good, but like all my JoJo fic I really enjoy writing the thing. It's very meta. XD I mean in a way it's a love letter to JoJo itself, as well as to the awesomeness of Italy and ALL SHOUNEN JUMP MANGA EVER.
A Proof by Contradiction,
Una Música Brutal,
Open/Close - mostly for the
Schuldich and Reno in Leá Monde chapter. #10 is open to debate.
Better to do one's top 10 all-time favorite fics by other people, no?